1.Begin slowly: invert with the least amount of inversion angle to begin with. Stay inverted only as long as you are comfortable. Return upright slowly.
2.Make gradual changes: increase the angle only if it is comfortable. Increase the angle only one adjustment hole at a time. Increase the time of use
3.Watch your body: come up slowly, dizziness after a session means you came up to fast. Wait a while after eating before using table. If you get nauseous, do not fight it, come up as soon as you feel queasy.
4.Keep moving: movement while inverted encourages blood, lymph, and spinal fluid circulation and aids in alignment of bones and organs. Movement may be accomplished by either rhythmic traction or light exercise. Do not exercise strenuously while inverted. Limit partial inversion without movement to one or two minutes. Limit full inversion with no movement to only a few seconds.
5.Invert regularly: we recommend two or three times a day depending upon your current condition. Try to schedule it for the same times each day.
A. | B. | C. |
When the inversion table rotates past the vertical inverted position the bed becomes locked, and will not return to the upright position in the usual way. The locked position allows you to hang straight
To get into the locked position, use the top hole in the PIVOT ARMS(6) as described in STEP 3. If necessary, adjust the HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT BEAM(10) shorter, and then mount and use normally. When your arms are completely extended above your head, the bed will rotate all the way to the locked position.
CAUTION: You must understand how to recover from the fully inverted position before using the fully inverted position. Read the RECOVERY FROM LOCKED POSITION section below BEFORE using the fully inverted position.
To recover from the locked position, simply grab the HANDRAILS and pull on them while pushing back on the HEEL HOLDERS(15) with your legs. If you can not reach the HANDRAILS, then you can still recover by grabbing the back of the bed with one hand, the REAR FRAME with the other, and pulling your hands together, as shown in illustration C.