K.RTC (KARMA RealTime Controls)
System version 2.0 adds a value display function to the K.RTC (KARMA Realtime Controls) page of each mode.
K.RTC (KARMA Realtime Controls) appears in the following pages.
Program mode | PROG | (☞PG p.6) |
Combination mode | COMBI | (☞PG p.48) |
Sequencer mode | SEQ | (☞PG p.77) |
Song Play mode | S.PLAY | (☞PG p.118) |
The display in Combination mode
TxFltr (TxFilter)
System version 2.0 adds a “Notes” parameter to the KARMA TxFltr (TxFilter) page in each mode.
The “Notes” parameter appears in the following pages.
Program mode | PROG | (☞PG p.28) |
Combination mode | COMBI | (☞PG p.60) |
Sequencer mode | SEQ | (☞PG p.107) |
Song Play mode | S.PLAY | (☞PG p.125) |
The display in Program mode
KARMA Function
K.RTC (KARMA Realtime Controls) value display function
When you operate the KARMA REALTIME CONTROLS knobs or switches, the number and value of the GE param- eter or RT parameter you are controlling will be displayed. This lets you see which parameter is being controlled by the knob or switch, and how. After two seconds, this display will revert to the KARMA RTC Name display.
Display example
Module ID | Parameter Value |
Parameter No. |
Module ID | [A…D, P] |
Indicates which parameters what you are controlling from the KARMA REALTIME CONTROLS knob or switch.
A, B, C, D: Indicates the KARMA module that is being controlled. (In Program mode, this will always display A.) In this case, you are controlling a GE parameter.
P:Indicates that the knob or switch is controlling an RT parameter.
Parameter No. | [01...16] |
When “Module Name” is
Parameter Value
This area indicates the value of the GE parameter or RT parameter you are controlling. The value will change as you turn the knob.
A knob or switch can have multiple parameters assigned to it. A maximum of three assigned param- eters can be displayed here in the available space. If there are more, they will not be displayed, although they will still function when the control is activated.
Notes | [Off, On] |
Specifies whether the MIDI
This setting lets you mute the note phrases generated by the KARMA module, and use only the control data generated from the KARMA module (e.g., pan, filter cutoff, resonance) to apply modulation to phrases or chords you yourself play on the keyboard.
Due to the addition of the “Notes” parameter, the other parameter names displayed in the screen have changed as follows. (Refer to the display above.)
GE Bend → Bend | GE | GE |
GE Env1 → Env1 | GE Env2 → Env2 | GE Env3 → Env3 |
Freeze Randomize
System version 2.0 adds a
and Freeze Randomize function following the
The Parm3 (Parameter 3) page is displayed after the following pages.
Program mode | PROG | (☞PG |
Combination mode | COMBI | (☞PG |
Sequencer mode | SEQ | (☞PG |
Song Play mode | S.PLAY | (☞PG |
6.2–3: Parm3 (Parameter3)
You can freeze (capture) the endlessly varying phrases generated by KARMA’s randomize function. By using the “Random Capture” (☞p.9), “Start Seed”
Not all GEs have been programmed to utilize the KARMA function’s randomization capabilities. If no randomization has been programmed as part of the GE, changing these new parameters will appear to have no effect.