Workout programs include TRACK, HILL, RANDOM, INTERVAL, and two cardio programs (WEIGHT LOSS and CARDIO). The ZONE TRAINER program turns any program into a cardio program.
One lap is 400 meters (0.25 mile). The user can manually adjust resistance and stride.
The HILL program contains three hill patterns to choose from. A different pattern appears each time the HILL key is pressed:
The RANDOM program contains a random selection of workout patterns. A new pattern appears each time the RANDOM key is pressed.
INTERVAL (1:1, 1:2)
The INTERVAL program is made up of two workout periods, a REST period and a WORK period. Each period contains a different resistance level. There are two REST to WORK ratios to choose from, either 1:1 or 1:2.
In the 1:2 ratio, the first part, 1, is REST= one minute; the second part, WORK= two minutes.
While exercising, a different INTERVAL pattern appears every time INTERVAL is pressed.
Because interval is a
These two programs are heart rate control programs. By automatically adjusting resistance, they keep the user's heart rate in a specific target range to accomplish certain exercise goals. One program maintains a heart rate for optimum weight loss. The other program maintains a heart rate for optimum cardio training.