Key Function Overview
CHANGE - Press the CHANGE key while exercising to view a different row of workout feedback. Active feedback indicator LEDs light up. Top row: WORKOUT LEVEL, CALORIES, TIME, RPM. Bottom row: DISTANCE, CAL/HR, WATTS, SPEED. In scan mode, feedback LEDs flash, and a different row of feedback information is displayed every six seconds. Solid feedback LEDs means that the unit is not in scan mode.
QUICK START- Press this key to start exercising without first entering user information. In QUICK START mode, time counts upward; values accumulate.
START- Press this key to start exercising after inputting user information.
EXERCISE PROGRAMS- When these indicators flash, or during a workout program, press an exercise program key to activate that program. When active, the related exercise program indicator lights up.
ENTER - After making a selection, press this key to confirm your choice.
WORKOUT LEVEL (UP & DOWN)- Press these keys to adjust resistance level. Holding down these keys makes resistance adjust up or down faster.
STOP/HOLD TO RESET- This key is used in two ways. If you entered an exercise program after pressing the QUICK START key, press this key to exit the exercise program. If you entered an exercise program after pressing the START key, press this key to select another program. Program indicators will flash. At any time during your workout, hold this key for three seconds to return to the start up banner screen.