Shoulder Exercises
Seated Overhead Press
Muscles worked
Front deltoid, upper traps and triceps
Success tips
•Keep feet flat on the floor and directly under your knees.
•Keep abs tight and a good spinal alignment.
•Do not increase the arch in the lower back as you raise your arms. Keep you spine steady.
•Grab the dumbbells and sit up straight.
•Keep your chest lifted, abs tight and a slight arch in the lower back.
•Raise the dumbbells the shoulder height, keeping your palms facing forward.
•Upper arms should be 90 degrees away from your torso and your elbows should be bent to 90 degrees as shown.
•Straighten your arms slowly over your head, focusing on moving your elbows up and inward toward your ears.
•Slowly return to the starting position, keeping tension on your front shoulder muscles through the entire motion.
Front Raise
Muscles worked
Front deltoid
Success tips
•Keep knees slightly bent.
•Keep abs tight and a good spinal alignment.
•Do not increase the arch in the lower back as you raise your arms. Keep you spine steady.
•Grab the dumbbells and stand up straight.
•Feet should be approximately shoulder width a part.
•Keep your chest lifted, abs tight and a slight arch in the lower back.
•Hold the dumbbells in front of you with your palms facing back.
•Keep the arms straight and the palms facing down, move your arms forward and then upward to shoulder height.
•Slowly return to the starting position, keeping tension on your front shoulder muscles through the entire motion.