Arm Exercises
Standing Curls
Muscles worked
Biceps and other elbow flexors
Success tips
•Keep elbows at your sides.
•Keep your wrists straight.
•Keep your trunk muscles tight and maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.
•Hold the dumbbells with your hands facing forward.
•Stand with your upper arms by your sides, lift your chest, tighten your abdominals and maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.
•Curl the dumbbells forward, then upward, and then toward your shoulders while keeping your elbows at your sides and your upper arms completely still.
•Slowly lower to the starting position by performing the same arcing motion.
Concentration Curls
Muscles worked
Biceps and other elbow flexors
Bench position
Success tips
•Do not rock the upper body while bending the elbow.
•Keep your wrist straight.
•Keep your chest lifted, trunk muscles tight and maintain a very slight arch in your lower back.
•Sit on the bench sideways and place your feet flat on the floor slightly wider than shoulder width.
•Grab the dumbbell and rest the back of your upper arm against the inside of your leg just above the knee.
•The arm holding the dumbbell should be slightly bent maintaining tension on the biceps.
•Maintain a good spinal alignment.
•Curl the forearm toward the upper arm, keeping your upper arm and shoulder blade completely still.
•Slowly return to the starting position without relaxing the biceps.