Problem solving guide
What to do if, . . . | Cause . . . | Remedy . . . |
. . . the | There is an internal prob- | Restart the program. If |
"Main wash" or "Rinse | lem. | the indicator lamp starts |
| flashing again, call the |
flashing? |
| Service Dept. |
. . . The "Rinse & hold" | The spin speed selector | Select a spin speed set- |
indicator lamp is flash- | has been set to "Without | ting. |
ing? | final spin". |
. . . The "Final spin" in- | The final spin has not | – Redistribute the laun- |
dicator lamp is flash- | taken place. The machine | dry load. |
ing? | detected an imbalance. | – Select a spin speed. |
| |
| – Turn the program se- |
| lector to "Spin". |
. . . The "ON" indicator | The | Go back to the program |
lamp is flashing? | activated, and the pro- | originally selected. |
| gram has been changed. |
. . . The wash is too wet | The spin speed selected | Select a higher spin |
after the final spin? | was too low. | speed next time. |
| The load was not evenly | Mix large and small items |
| distributed in the drum, | in a load to avoid imbal- |
| and the laundry was spun | ance. |
| at a reduced speed to |
| protect the machine. |
| The drain pump or lint | Clean the drain pump or |
| trap is clogged. | lint trap. |
. . . The machine | The four feet are not rest- | Level the machine (see |
shakes during the spin | ing evenly on the floor. | Installation Section). |
cycle? | The shipping struts have | Remove the shipping |
| not been removed. | struts. |