| Problem solving guide | |
| |
What to do if, . . . | Cause . . . | Remedy . . . | |
| |
. . . In spite of adequate | A water inlet filter is | Clean the water inlet fil- | |
water supply, the water | blocked. | ters. | |
flows slowly into the ma- |
| |
chine? |
. . . Large residues of | The water pressure is | – Clean the filters in the | |
detergent remain in the | too low. | water inlet system. | |
dispenser drawer? |
| – It may help to select | |
| "Water plus". |
| Detergent used with a | Pour detergent into the |
| water softener tends to | dispenser before adding |
| become sticky. | any water softener. |
. . . Fabric softener is | The dispenser drawer | Make sure the drawer is in | |
not completely dis- | was not pushed in when | all the way. | |
pensed or water remains | the fabric softener was |
| |
in the | compartment? | being dispensed. |
| The siphon tube is either | Clean the siphon tube. |
| incorrectly positioned or |
| clogged. |
. . . There is an exces- | Use only a | – Follow recommenda- | |
sive | detergent at the appro- | tions on the package. | |
| priate temperature. | – Take the water hardness |
| |
| into account. |
| – Use less detergent for |
| lightly soiled or small |
| loads. |
. . . Lime deposits ap- | Not enough detergent | – Use a decalcifier suit- | |
pear on the drum sur- | has been used. | able for use in washing | |
face? |
| machines. A product |
| called "Quick" is avail- |
| able from the Miele |
| Technical Service Dept. |
| – Use the correct amount |
| of detergent for the |
| water hardness in your |
| area. |