Hitachi AJ-S55KR user manual When Failure Happens 有故障發生時續

Page 48

When Failure Happens (continued) 有故障發生時()

Case 現象

Fail to supply water


No spinning, washing basket can't rotate


No stirring


Can not open the lid


Abnormal sound occurs


No buzz at the end of washing


Water leakage


Water can not be reserved (when pouring the water with water basket)



Cause 原因

Please refer to "Part to check" in "About abnormality alarm". 46 請參照關於異常警報中的『檢查部位』。 46

If there is outage and shutdown during the operation, the washing machine will generate alarms and cut off the power supply. The lid is still locked. When power supply is switched

on again, the lid lock will be unlocked. 電源開關是否打開?

(運轉過程中出現斷電或停電時,洗衣機將發出異常警報並自動切斷 電源,機蓋仍處於鎖定狀態。再次接通電源後,機蓋鎖定將解除。)

Is the washing machine declining or shaky? 7 Installation Guide

洗衣機是否有傾斜或搖晃? 7 安裝指南

Is any barrette or metal item mixed in the washing basket?


Is the buzz at the end of washing set as canceled? 39

是否已設定取消洗衣結束蜂鳴聲? 39

Is the tap of proper shape? 11

水龍頭的形狀是否合適? 11

Are the one touch joint and the connection nut unfastened? 11, 12

便捷連接器和連接螺母是否出現鬆動? 11, 12

Is the power on?


(In case of power cut during draining, the drainage valve will

keep open. And the drainage valve will close after the power resumes.)

(原因在於排水過程中出現斷電或停電時,排水閥會保持開￿狀態。 再次接通電源後,排水閥將關閉。)

Except the failures mentioned above, the lid lock protector may cause cases such as stop during operation or lid unable to be opened. In such case, please unplug the power supply unit. Plug it back after 5 minutes, and then reset operation.

除了上述故障外,如發生運行中途停止或機蓋無法打開的現象,是童鎖開關保護器動作。此時,請拔下電源插頭,五分鐘 後再插上,重新設定並運行即可。


Image 48
Contents Model AJ-S55KR Contents Preface 使洗衣粉滲入到衣料內部,使污垢從布料纖維上脫落。Safety Precautions 安全方面的注意事項使用之前,請仔細閱讀這部分的內容,以便正確使用。 即使旋轉緩慢,手部仍有被衣物纏繞 的危險。兒童尤需注意。 再伸入槽內 。Place. 否則可能導致觸電、短路或起火。 若電源線遭受損傷,可能導致觸電或火災。 兒童可能因掉入洗衣‧脫水槽Safety Precautions 安全方面的注意事項續 Button of the washing when it is motion嚴禁用螺絲刀插入洗衣機機蓋緊鎖裝置部位的孔 嚴禁強行打開處於鎖定狀態的機蓋。Installation Guide 安裝指南Installation Guide 安裝指南續 用可調機腳來調整洗衣機的不平穩。請確認機體的水平度。 在洗衣槽內放些水,請再一次確認其水平度。把排水管從右面引出。 排水管插入排水口時Connecting the water supply hose to the main unit 供水管與機體的連接Extended the water supply hose 供水管的延長適用的水龍頭 Water tap 水龍頭Main unit Safety Check Washing Machine Repair如出現下列情況或其他異常現象, 請立即拔下電源插頭, 務必向有關的經銷商委托檢查、修理。 可能根據實 際情況收取費用 在一般家庭以外使用時Control Panel 控制面板當手動設定為下述狀態之一時,洗衣機都會發出2聲表示接收的聲響以告知您指示基準點: 1水位為『50L』;2洗衣行程為『洗衣+沖洗+脫水』;3程序為『標準』程序;4清潔為『筒清洗』5預校時間為『9小時後』。Accessories Refer toInstallation Guide 附件請參照『安裝指南』 Technical Description各部件名稱 Before Using Your Machine 開始洗衣前Preparation for washing machine Preparation for laundryBefore Using Your Machine 開始洗衣前續 Checking amount of laundryAmount of detergent Approximately amount How to Use Liquid Detergent, Bleach and Fabric Softener How to install the detergent dispenserHow to uninstall the detergent dispenser 洗衣粉、漂白劑、柔軟劑的使用方法Approximate amount of fabric softener 柔軟劑的大致用量Close the cap of the fabric softener injection opening Amount of Laundry and Detergent 洗衣量和洗衣粉量Synthetic detergent 合成洗衣劑 33g 42mLSelection of Laundry Process 洗衣程序的選擇方法旋轉水流 + 浸洗 平衡攪拌供水到規定水位並進行攪拌 無沖洗Content of the Washing Process Switch of modesThis part describes the process of each process Time required for washingBefore using your machine Process Description開始洗衣前 Laundries within or out of the washing range Preparation for the washingPreparation for the laundry Make sure the decoloring possibilityMake the dirt or the color spot easy to remove Use of detergentHow to put in comforter and blanket 開始洗滌前被子和被毯的放入方法 Using the Preset for Washing 預校時間洗衣After the end of washing 洗衣結束後Using the Detergent Again 預校時間洗衣(續)再次使用洗衣液 Use the detergent againAIR-JET Process 風乾程序Preparing for AIR-JET 開始風乾前Close the lid, and press the Power SWITCHbutton 風乾程序續Air-jet Process 風乾方法Shorten Laundry Airing Duration 縮短晾曬時間Proposed Operation Time 建議使用時間表Using the Washing Cap Installation of the washing capAdjustment of the position and height of the washing cap 使用洗衣蓋Taking out the washing cap 洗衣蓋的取出方法Wash in Your Favorite Way 按照您喜歡的方式進行洗衣可以單獨設定洗衣、沖洗、脫水任何一個程序,亦可將各個程序組合運轉。洗衣內容將不會被儲存 行程按鈕的使用 Lid Lock Function 機蓋緊鎖功能消除洗衣結束的蜂鳴聲 Press START/PAUSE buttonWhen washing the thick clothes such as jersey Use Guidelines 使用中的注意事項結露時應注意。 運轉過程中,請勿拔掉電源插頭。Maintenance and Repair 維護保養方法 Regular maintenance定期的保養 How to use theCLEANbutton 筒風乾程序清潔按鈕的使用方法 Maintenance and Repair 維護保養方法續 Pay attention to the rust on the washing basket洗衣粉加入盤的保養拆下時易損壞,操作時請加以注意 棉絮過濾器的保養每次使用後都必須進行When icing is possibly underway 有可能結冰時How to maintain the water supply opening 供水口的保養Pour the warm water as hot as 40oC into the basket 若污物不易清除時,可將濾網拆下以便清洗。Maintenance to the main unit 機體的保養以免造成短路或觸電。 清潔劑沾至機蓋等塑料部件時,應立即擦除,否則長時間會損傷機身。When Failure Happens About the abnormality alarm有故障發生時 關於異常警報Before the repair request 要求修理前When Failure Happens 有故障發生時續 Automatic power OFF 電源自動關閉功能Following cases are not the failures 以下現象並非故障Case 現象 RinseSpinning LevelPower SwitchMachine FlavorProduct Specifications Optional PartsIntended water drainage hose 1m/ 2m/3m 標準洗衣容量