Use Guidelines 使用中的注意事項
Do not remove the plug of power supply during | Attention on dewfall . |
the operation. | 結露時應注意。 |
運轉過程中,請勿拔掉電源插頭。 | • Since the humidity is high in summer, there will be dewfall |
• Lest the washing machine will be in trouble. Make sure the | outside the washing machine when washing with cool water, |
operation is suspended or the power supply is cut off before | which may damp the floor. Please pay attention to it. |
removing the plug. | 由於夏天濕度較高,當用冷水進行洗衣時,會在洗衣機外側出現 |
以免引起洗衣機故障。請務必暫停運轉或切斷電源開關後,再拔 | 結露現象,有可能會將地板弄濕,請加以注意。 |
掉電源插頭。 |
Do not add excessive amount of detergent. | Do not put in excessive clothes. |
請勿投入過量洗衣粉。 | 請勿投入過多衣物。 |
• Excessive detergent won't improve the washing effect much. | • It may cause overflow of the clothes during washing. |
投入過量洗衣粉,洗衣效果並無多大改變。 | The placement of washings please see page 18. |
• Instead, it will cause insufficient rinse and lead to some prob- | 有可能造成衣物在洗衣過程中溢出。 |
lems due to excessive foams. | 衣物的放入方法 18 。 |
相反會造成沖洗不充分,以及因泡沫過多而引起某些問題。 |
Attentions in continuous operation. | After dehydration, the |
連續運轉時應注意。 | washing machine cover is unlocked, but the |
• Operate the washing machine for over 3 consecutive cycles, the | washing basket will remain rotating for over 15 |
protective mechanism may work and stop the motor. | seconds. |
連續運轉3個循環以上時,保護裝置可能會起作用而使馬達停止 | 脫水結束後,機蓋鎖緊功能被解除,但洗衣槽還會 |
運轉。 | 旋轉15秒以上。 |
• If continuous operation is necessary, please restart the opera- | • Stop use immediately and please request repair. |
tion of the washing machine after 30 minutes more or less. | 立即停止使用並請僱人維修。 |
需連續運轉時,請隔 30 分鐘左右再讓洗衣機重新運轉。 |
The power supply switch is in ineffective | Do not use |
condition after the power supply is cut off and | buttons. |
before the Mode LED extinguishes . | 請勿使用鋒利的物品來按按鈕。 |
切斷電源後,程序指示燈尚未熄滅前,電源開關處 | • Lest the buttons be damaged or in trouble. |
於無效狀態。 | 以免造成破損或故障。 |
• To switch on the power supply, it is recommended to press the |
power supply switch again after the LED extinguishes. |
想再次接通電源時,應待指示燈熄滅後再按下電源開關。 |
Don't be close to television or radio. | When washing the thick clothes such as jersey, |
請勿靠近電視機或收音機 | the oblique of the clothes in the basket is liable |
• It may interfere with the television or radio. | to cause the security problem. |
可能會對電視機或收音機構成干擾。 | 洗滌運動衫等厚衣物時,由於衣物在槽內偏斜,較 |
| 易導致安全開關動作。 |