How to Change the Water Drainage Hose
■Water drainage hose is attached on the left side of unit at shipment, nonetheless, it can be
reattached on the right side to suit drainage needs.
1 Lay the unit down slowly. 請將機體慢慢地放倒。
Lay the unit down on some corrugate paper to prevent damage.
放倒機體時,請在地面上放置一些瓦楞紙纇的 襯墊,以免損傷機身。
Back 後側
The water drain- age hose pulled out (right)
Corrugate paper etc.
Black mark
The water drain- age hose pulled out (left)
The water drainage hose
Front 前側
2 Pull out the water drainage hose from the right side of the unit.
1Remove the right water drainage hose cove (The cover can be disposed).
2After pulling out the “Black” mark of the water drainage hose from the left groove of the unit , the“Purple”mark of the water drainage should be inserted into the corresponding groove of the right unit.
把排水管“黑色”標記部從機體左惻的凹槽內 引出,“紫色”標記部應嵌入機體右側對應的 凹槽內。
3The water drainage hose should be pulled out through the proper hose retainer when the hose is pulled out on the right.
排水管從右面引出時,排水管應通過相應的軟 管固定夾後再引出。
3Hose retainer
1Drainage hose cover
2Purple mark
Water drainage hose outlet
Attention 注意
The black or purple mark of the water drainage hose should be inserted into the corresponding groove of the unit.
安裝洗衣機時,請務必將排水管的黑色或 紫色標記部嵌入機體相對應的凹槽內。
Water drainage hose which inserts into the unit, can 't |
touch other parts, to prevent the damage caused by |
■When fitting the water drainage hose to the water drainage outlet
If the water drainage outlet is too shallow or the end of the water drainage hose touches the grounds, cut the end of the water drainage hose in an oblique angle.
排水口較淺或排水管前端與地面碰觸時,可將 排水管的前端沿斜向切除一部分。
water leakage. |
排水管在機體內的部分,不應與其他部件碰觸,以免因 |
破損產生漏水而導致不必要的損失。 |
Water drainage hose retainer must be tightened. |
排水管固定夾必須夾緊。 |
The inner section of the water drainage hose must be |
secured by the retainer before fetched out. |
排水管機內部分必須經固定夾固定後再引出。 |
Failure to do so may cause
i n s u f f i c i e n t r i n s i n g o r u n i t malfunction due to poor drainage or too much subbles during rinsing and spinning.
若不切除,在沖洗及脫水時,由於 排水狀況的不良,將會引起漂洗不 充分或因肥皂沫而影響電機運轉。
Water drainage hose
Water drainage outlet