Installation Guide (continued) 安裝指南(續)
Installation of Washing Machine 洗衣機的安裝
1 Adjust the instability of the washing machine with adjustable leg.
Fixed leg |
固定腳 | Adjustable leg |
| 可調機腳 |
2 Please make sure of the horizontality of the washing machine.
As shown in the figure, the horizontality can be easily observed by the string used to hang an object.
如圖所示,用懸掛重物的細繩來觀察,即可輕易確認其 水平度。
It is level if the | A |
| |
clearance between A |
| |
and machine body is |
| (front or | |
the same with that |
| ||
string | profile) | ||
between a and the | |||
(正面或 | |||
細繩 | |||
machine body. | |||
側面) | |||
A 和 A 兩點與機體 | A | ||
| |||
之間的間隙相同, |
| |
即表示水平。 | object |
| |
| ||
| 重物 |
Inspection of trial run 試運轉的檢查
Put some water into the washing barrel and reconfirm its horizontality.
在洗衣槽內放些水,請再一次確認其水平度。 | B | C |
The ground is level if all front, rear, left and right height difference between the spinning hole and water surface are less than 3mm.
脫水孔相對於水面的高度差(B與C的差),如果前後左右均在3mm以內,就 表示地面是水平的。
■To install the machine on an inclined floor, leg caps in the attached accessory kit can be used to adjust height by connecting them to the fixed leg.
How to Use the Adjustable Leg 可調機腳的使用
1 Loosen the lock nut by unscrewing in arrow direction 1 before using the adjustable leg to stabilize unit.
將鎖緊螺母沿箭咀方向 1 旋鬆,再旋轉可 調機腳調整機身的平穩。
Lock nut
Adjustable leg
Elevating Lowering
調高時 調低時
After adjusting of the unit, tighten | |||
the lock nut by screwing it in arrow | |||
2 direction. |
| |
調整完畢後,將鎖緊螺母沿箭咀方向 2 | |||
旋緊。 |
| Tightening | |
| 旋緊 |
| Lock nut |
Plastic base | 鎖緊螺母 |
| |
| ||
塑料底盤 | Tighten the lock nut until it reaches the plastic base. | ||
鎖緊螺母應擰至塑料底盤為止。 |
| ||
| ||
| Maximum adjust able |
| At most 40mm | range is 40mm. |
| 40mm以下 |
| |
| 調節範圍在40mm以內。 |
| |