Before You Call For Service
Please read the following pages before calling for service.
You can correct many of your machine’s problems using the checklists on the following pages.
Your machine is capable of diagnosing its own problems. If it has a problem it will beep and display a message telling you what is wrong.
If Your Intuitive Beeps For Help
Musical series of beeps* every 5 seconds and...
*Note: The musical series of beeps is the same sound your washer makes when you turn it on at the wall.
“My load is OUT OF BALANCE”
Wash load is out of balance.
Ensure the machine is stationary and manually redistribute the load.
Check your machine is level. (See Installation Instructions, pages 8 – 9).
“I am not getting any HOT WATER”
Hot water supply is not hot enough to maintain the wash temperature you have selected.
Select a lower wash temperature.
Inlet hose screens may be blocked.
There may be a kink in the hose.
Hot faucet has not been turned on.
Inlet hoses connected to the wrong faucet.
“I am not getting any COLD WATER”
Cold faucet has not been turned on.
Inlet hose screens may be blocked.
There may be a kink in the hose.
Inlet hoses connected to the wrong faucet.
Cold water temperature exceeds recommended limits. (See Installation Instructions, page 5).
The flow rate of the supply water is too slow.