2.If you do not have a Wind Transmitter included, sail close
hauled and press the button then tack and, once close
hauled, press the button again.
If the mean wind direction changes then the instrument may
be updated by press and holding the button while
sailing on port tack, the button while sailing on
starboard tack or the button while head to wind.
See Tacktick’s “Using wind shifts to your advantage” sheet for further information.
(p18) MAG HDG
Current Magnetic Compass Heading of the vessel as measured by the Compass Transducer. The value displayed will be affected by the calibration routine for the compass (see page 26).
(p19) MAG TACK
Magnetic Compass heading which the vessel will follow should it tack through the wind, calculated by the instrument. Apparent Wind Angle and Magnetic Heading must be available on the network for this calculation to be made.
(p20) SOG
Vessels Speed Over the Ground as calculated by the GPS
(p21) COG
Vessels Course Over the Ground as calculated by the GPS
(p22) LAT
Vessels current Latitude as calculated by the GPS Antenna.
(p23) LON
Vessels current Longitude as calculated by the GPS Antenna.
(p24) BTW
Bearing To (active) Waypoint. The active Waypoint being the one to which the GPS is currently navigating.