Lucent Technologies partner advanced communications system manual Intercom Autodialer

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Intercom Autodialer

The buttons on the Intercom Autodialer are automatically programmed as Intercom Auto Dial buttons for all system extensions in the following order:













You can program the buttons to ring, voice signal, or manually signal; and you can change the order. Only one button (on both the phone and

Intercom Autodialer) can be programmed for each extension.


Image 11
Contents Partner Advanced Communications System Contents Customer Training IntroductionIdentifying a System Manager Filling Out Planning Forms for the CustomersWrite R if Rotary Dial Pulse Line #201 Form a Supplemental Instructions System ConfigurationCheck if Caller ID Service System LinesLine Coverage System SettingsAuxiliary Equipment System Identify Auxiliary Equipment Attached to this Extension Form B1 Supplemental Instructions System ExtensionsWrite Name/Description Identify Telephone Attached to this ExtensionLine Ringing CTP Identify Extension Settings if Different from DefaultIdentify Group Assignments Identify Restrictions/PermissionsPARTNER-6 Telephone Form C Supplemental Instructions Button Templates102234 112335 122436 132537 142638 152739 162840 172941 Intercom AutodialerPARTNER-CA48 Intercom Autodialer Example TemplatesPARTNER-34D Telephone PARTNER-18 TelephoneAuto Dialing Features Button Feature SummaryExtension 10 Features Account Code Entry ACEf12 Dial-Code FeaturesF18 Allowed Phone Number Lists #407 Form D Supplemental Instructions Number ListsDisallowed Phone Number Lists #404 Creating Disallowed and Allowed ListsImportant Notices Forced Account Code List #409Emergency Phone Number List #406 External Hotline #311Special Dialing Functions Form E Supplemental Instructions System Speed Dial NumbersGeneral Guidelines Alternate Trainee’s Name Form a System Configuration= 1 second on = 3 seconds on = 5 seconds on = Toggle Alert Extensions #606 Form B1 System ExtensionsMailpartner Character Codes Letters Numbers Form B2 Customized Extension Settings Distinctive Ring #308 Form B2 Customized Extension SettingsExt Check Desired FeaturesForm C1 PARTNER-34D Phone Extensions programmed as shown circle choices 10 Form C2 Intercom AutodialerExt Form C3 PARTNER-18/18D PhoneExt Form C4 PARTNER-6 PhoneForm C5 MLS-34D Phone Intercom Ext Form C6 MLS-18D PhoneForm C7 MLS-12/12D Phone Form C8 MLS-6 Phone Disallowed Phone Number Lists #404 Form D Number ListsEmergency Phone Number List #406 Forced Account Code List #409 Code Name/Company Telephone Number2 Form E System Speed Dial NumbersIssue 1 January