Lucent Technologies 518-456-151 Identify Restrictions/Permissions, Identify Group Assignments

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Identify Restrictions/Permissions

Specify restrictions and permissions for each extension.

Line Access Restriction {#302} or

Pool Access Restriction {#315}

By default, access to all lines and pools is set to No Restriction. To change the default, write the line numbers or pool access codes in the appropriate columns, as follows:

Outgoing only

User can place outside calls and receive only



transferred calls on specified line or pool.

Incoming only

User cannot place outside calls but can receive calls



on specified line or pool.

No Access

User cannot place or receive outside calls on



specified line or pool (but can receive transferred



calls, pick up calls on hold, or join calls in Key mode



and on key extensions in Hybrid mode).

NOTE: Pool Access Restriction for key extensions in Hybrid mode is set to No Access. Pooling and Hybrid mode are available only if you are using PARTNER ACS R2.0 or later.

Outgoing Call Restriction {#401}

Write “IN” or “LOC” to indicate restrictions for all outgoing calls on all lines at that extension, as follows:


User can make only intercom calls to other system extensions.


User can make only intercom and local outside calls (no calls that



require a “0” or “1” prefix).

Any available outside lines can still be used to dial numbers on an Allowed Phone Number List assigned to the extension, numbers on the Emergency Phone Number List, or Marked System Speed Dial numbers.

Identify Group Assignments

To assign extensions to any of the following groups (each extension can be in one or more groups), write the group number or place a check mark in the appropriate columns.

Pickup Group Extensions {#501}

Any extension can answer an intercom, transferred, or outside call ringing at an extension in the Pickup Group, without knowing which extension is ringing and without being in the group. Do not put PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS or PARTNER Voice Messaging extensions in a Pickup Group.

Calling Group Extensions {#502}

A user can ring or page (voice signal) all extensions in a Calling Group simul- taneously or transfer a call by ringing the group. Once an extension answers, the ringing or paging stops at the other extensions in the group. Do not assign extensions connected to auxiliary equipment, PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS, PARTNER Voice Messaging or External Hotlines to a Calling Group.

If a loudspeaker paging system is connected and Simultaneous Paging is desired, put all desired system phones with speakers in Calling Group 1.

NOTE: When the user voice signals an extension that has a system phone, the phone beeps and the user’s voice is heard through its built-in speaker. System phones are the only ones that can be voice signaled.

Hunt Group Extensions 1–6 {#505}

Calls can ring or be transferred to the first non-busy extension in a Hunt Group. A call rings at an extension in a Hunt Group three times; if it is not answered, it hunts to the next non-busy extension, continuing until someone answers or the caller hangs up. (If you voice signal a Hunt Group, only the first extension is signaled; the call does not keep hunting if there is no answer.) Incoming calls on specific lines can be directed to a Hunt Group using Group Call Distribution {#206}. Do not put PARTNER MAIL or PARTNER MAIL VS extensions in Hunt Groups 1–6.

VMS Only (Hunt Group 7)

For extension where PARTNER MAIL or PARTNER MAIL VS is connected, check this box to assign the extension to Hunt Group 7. For PARTNER Voice Messaging, virtual extensions 86 and 87 are automatically assigned to Hunt Group 7 and no system programming is required (any previous assignments for Hunt Group 7 are automatically erased). The system recognizes any extensions assigned to Hunt Group 7 as Voice Mail Service (VMS— PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS, or PARTNER Voice Messaging) extensions. Do not assign any extensions other than VMS extensions to Hunt Group 7. Also, do not assign PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS, or PARTNER Voice Messaging extensions to any other Hunt Groups, to any Calling or Pickup Groups, or to the Night Service Group.

Night Service Group Extensions {#504}

Check this box if the extension should be in the Night Service Group. When Night Service is on, incoming calls on assigned lines or pools ring immediately at the extensions in the Night Service Group, even if Line Ringing for those extensions is set for “delayed ring” or “no ring.” Do not put PARTNER MAIL, PARTNER MAIL VS or PARTNER Voice Messaging extensions in the Night Service Group.

Image 10
Contents Partner Advanced Communications System Contents Filling Out Planning Forms for the Customers IntroductionIdentifying a System Manager Customer TrainingConfigure Hardware for Hybrid Mode Form a Supplemental Instructions System ConfigurationSystem Lines System Settings Line CoverageAuxiliary Equipment System Identify Telephone Attached to this Extension Form B1 Supplemental Instructions System ExtensionsWrite Name/Description Identify Auxiliary Equipment Attached to this ExtensionWrite Transfer Return Ext. No. #306 Identify Extension Settings if Different from Default Line Ringing CTPIdentify Restrictions/Permissions Identify Group AssignmentsForm C Supplemental Instructions Button Templates PARTNER-6 TelephoneIntercom Autodialer PARTNER-CA48 Intercom Autodialer Example TemplatesPARTNER-34D Telephone PARTNER-18 TelephoneExtension 10 Features Button Feature SummaryAuto Dialing Features Dial-Code Features MS-xx F13xxF18 Creating Disallowed and Allowed Lists Form D Supplemental Instructions Number ListsDisallowed Phone Number Lists #404 Allowed Phone Number Lists #407External Hotline #311 Forced Account Code List #409Emergency Phone Number List #406 Important NoticesGeneral Guidelines Form E Supplemental Instructions System Speed Dial NumbersSpecial Dialing Functions Form a System Configuration Form a System Configuration = 1 second on = 3 seconds on = 5 seconds on = Toggle Form B1 System Extensions Alert Extensions #606Button-6 StandardCharacter Codes Letters Numbers Form B1 System Extensions Form B2 Customized Extension Settings List#301 forExtensions individual* linesPooledWrite line numbers or pool access codes* in each Ext. Jack NoExt Form C1 PARTNER-34D PhoneOnly Form C2 Intercom Autodialer Extensions programmed as shown circle choices 10Check Desired Features Form C3 PARTNER-18 PhoneForm C4 PARTNER-6 Phone ExtÊ Ê ÊMake asÊ Ê Ê Form C5 MLS-34D PhoneForm C6 MLS-18D Phone Intercom ExtForm C7 MLS-12/12D Phone ExtForm C8 MLS-6 Phone Form D Number Lists ListEmergency Phone Number List #406 Forced Account Code List #409 Form E System Speed Dial Numbers Code Name/Company Telephone Number2518-456-151 Issue November