■Installation notes
The installation of this equipment should be made in such a manner as to respect the EC recommended electromagnetic field exposure limits (1999/519/EC).
The maximum RF power available from this device is 25 watts. The antenna should be installed as high as possible for maximum efficiency and that this installation height should be at least 5 meters above ground (or accessible) level. In the case where an antenna cannot be installed at a reasonable height, then the transmitter should neither be continuously op- erated for long periods if any person is within 5 meters of the antenna, nor operated at all if any person is touching the an- tenna.
In all cases any possible risk depends on the transmitter being activated for long periods. (actual recommendation lim- its are specified as an average of 6 minutes) Normally the transmitter is not active for long periods of time. Some radio li- censes will require that a timer circuit automatically cuts the transmitter after
Similarly some types of transmitter, SSB, CW, AM, etc. have a lower ‘average’ output power and the perceived risk is even lower.