b. If you are NOT getting a countdown, press MENU, se- lect RADAR INFORMATION and press ENT. Highlight FORCE STATUS UPDATE and press ENT. Pay attention to the RX/TX buttons.
c. If the TX is not lighting up then either you do not have the com port set to RADAR or the GPS unit is defective. Verify that the Com Port is set properly, if it is then the Lowrance unit will need to be sent in for repair.
d. If the TX is blinking but the RX is not then you are not getting any information from the RIM, the processor or the Radar. There is a fuse inside the processor that has more than likely blown. Remove the front left black screw, then remove the grounding post on the right side of the front of the unit. Gently slide the front cover off, the fuse is located on the left side of the board. This fuse is very tight and difficult to remove, you may need to use a pair of pliers to get a good grip on it and gently try to pull it out. Replace the fuse, the faceplate, and the screws, making sure that the front face is securely seated so not to lessen the water seal.
4.If the communication is hooked up properly and all informa- tion fields are properly displayed on the “radar information” page, but the unit starts to warm up but you never see a count down to standby on the screen and then radar com- munication is lost after one minute. The voltage supply to the Radar Antenna or the gauge wire supplying the voltage may be to small.