Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS manual Save

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For moredetailson thesenavigationalterms.pleasereferto the AdvancedNavigationGuidesection,Page21.

As with the othernavigationalmodes,you may storeyour present positionin a Waypointat any time by pressingthe softkeyunder


If the Star Pilot shouldmomentarilylosecontactwith the satellites. or if you choosethe NavigateMode beforethe unit haslocatedthe minimal numberof threesatellitesneeded,navigationdatawill be blanksandat the bottomof the displayreplacingXTE will be the messagePOSITIONUNKNOWN. Whentheunit findsthe satellites.

it willieturn" navigatingto your DestinationWaypoint'

NOTE: You musthavethe Arrival Alarm on to receiveaudioor visualalertof arrivalto your destination.

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Contents OperationMM Ffi ETableof Contents Unit Installation Ment408427-4444 Power ConnectionGencralInformntion Ment408127-4414 Power Connection DisplayUnitAntewtnInstallntion Star Pilot GPS AntennaAlpha-Numeric Keys BasicOperationStar Pilot Keyboard Commom SoftkeyFunctionsPower/BacklightControl Menu Screen GettingStartedTurning The Star Pilot On PressKey #1 to Choosethe PositionModeAn FTNTFCITfl What Is a Waypoint?To Enter a Waypoint N U In r e EntrSavingPresentPositionIn a Waypoint 122PositionMode Featuresof Track Plot PIutModeIYavigateMode SantacruzSave N U Ie s c WaypointModeFENIiTT, fosz.srtt N U nI r e I n I v l e N r nL e r u r n Route EditnameStatusModc SetUpMode TimeoffsetTheBasicsof GPS CoG AdvancedlavigationGuideGPS Modes GPS Health Messages StnrPilnt Error Messages & TroublpslnotingTipsError Codes Physical Main FeaturesSpeciftcations SoftwareUpdates How ToObtainService Return to