Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS manual TheBasicsof GPS

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TheBasicsof GPS

GPS,or GlobalPositioningSystem,is a satellitenavigationsystem designedto provideworldwidepositioningandtime informationwith

all weathercapabilityquick. responsetime andaccuracyto within severalyards.GPS is maintainedby the United StatesDepartmentof Defense24 hoursa day.

GPSis a systemof 24 satellitesorbitingat an altitudevery high abovetheearth.Becauseof thegreataltitude,thesatellites'signals arenot interferedwith by the terrainor geography,andthe high frequencyof the signals( l-500MHz) resultsin practicallyno interencefrom shipboardenginesor otherelectronicsystems.

GPSusestheprincipleof rangingto give you yourposition.This is doneby measuringthedistancefiom your positionto thepositionof at leastthreesatellitesThe. distanceto a satelliteis calculatedby measuringhow long it takesradiosi-unalsto arrivefiom the known positionof eachof therespectivesatellitesin theirorbits.

The satellitesandthe Star Pilot must be preciselytirnedto generate the exactsameradio signalat the exactsametime in orderto measure the time anddistancecalculationswith a high degreeof accuracy. This is accomplishedby the useof atomicclockson all the satellites, andby comparingwhat part of the radiosignalcodeis receivedat the exactsametime from all the satellites.

To completeits calculationsfor your position,theStar Pilot looksup in its databasetheknownpositionof eachof thesatellitesat that exacttime.BecausetheGPSsatellitesarein sucha high orbit,their positionsat any giventime arequitepredictableNow. . all theStar Pilot needsto do is calculateall thistor threeor four satellitesevery few seconds,andyou havecontinuouspositionupdatin-e!

GPSsatellitesareconstantlymonitoredby Departmentof Defense groundstationsSatellite.clocksandexactpositioninginformationis computedandany variationsarenotedor comectedasnecessaryand. transmittedto theappropriatesatellitesOther.possiblesourcesof errors,suchasatmosphericdragandgeometricpositionmeasurement discrepancies,areeliminatedby the sophisticated,mathematical programmingwithin the Star Pilot GPS system.


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Contents Ffi E OperationMMTableof Contents Ment408427-4444 Power Connection Unit InstallationGencralInformntion DisplayUnit Ment408127-4414 Power ConnectionStar Pilot GPS Antenna AntewtnInstallntionCommom SoftkeyFunctions BasicOperationStar Pilot Keyboard Alpha-Numeric KeysPower/BacklightControl PressKey #1 to Choosethe PositionMode GettingStartedTurning The Star Pilot On Menu ScreenN U In r e Entr What Is a Waypoint?To Enter a Waypoint An FTNTFCITflPositionMode 122SavingPresentPositionIn a Waypoint PIutMode Featuresof Track PlotSantacruz IYavigateModeSave N U nI r e I n I v l e N r n WaypointModeFENIiTT, fosz.srtt N U Ie s cRoute Editname L e r u r nStatusModc Timeoffset SetUpModeTheBasicsof GPS GPS Modes AdvancedlavigationGuideCoG Error Codes StnrPilnt Error Messages & TroublpslnotingTipsGPS Health Messages Speciftcations Main FeaturesPhysical SoftwareUpdates Return to How ToObtainService