Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS manual GencralInformntion

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Congratulationson your selectionof theInterphaseStar Pilot GPS receiverIts. ruggedwaterproofdesignmakesit idealfbr installation on nearlyany type of boat.

The Star Pilot f-eaturesmany advancedfunctions,andemploysone of today'smostsophisticatedGPSreceiversThe. sequentialthree channelreceiverdesigntracksup to sevenGPSsatellitesandis capableof providingaccuratepositioninformationeverysecond.

The Star Pilot designis compactandof waterproofconstructionIt. hasa long-lifewaterproofkeypadwhich allowsyou to selectevery navigationalf'eatureyou needwith the touchof a button.It hasa beeperfor arrivalalarm,anchorwatchalarmand it will beepto acknowledgewhenevera buttonis pressed.

The Star Pilot worksin a fully automaricmodewhichyou needonly

startup to initializeThere. is no needto enteran approximate LatitudeandLongitudeposition.You can selectmanyof theStar Pilot'sfeatureswith theSet-Updisplay.You canactivatean Anchor Alarm,WaypointArrival Alarm, setuniversalor localtime.

The Star Pilot'sgraphicnavigationmodeshowsyour distanceoff' the desiredcourseandhow to steer,right or lefi. to get backon course,courseover groundand speedover ground.The Datawindow in thenavigationmodeallowsyou to choosea view of estimatecltime of arrival.time to go, velocitymadegood.distancemadegood. presentpositionlatitudeandlongitude,currentdateandtime.or local magneticvariation.

The Star Pilot makesit easyto storeyour currentor favorite

positionsin any of 100waypointsEach. waypointis datestampedlor futurereferenceand a Waypoint ManagementDisplay letsyou quicklyscrollthroughandview your listingof waypointsYou. can alsopre-programup to l0 routesof l0 waypointseachfor futureuse.

The Star Pilot'svery low powerconsumption(typicallylessthan 600 milliAmpsat l2 Volts DC) makesit ideatlysuitedfor manyof today'ssmallerboats.or cruisingboats,with limitedpower


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Contents OperationMM Ffi ETableof Contents Unit Installation Ment408427-4444 Power ConnectionGencralInformntion Ment408127-4414 Power Connection DisplayUnitAntewtnInstallntion Star Pilot GPS AntennaBasicOperation Star Pilot KeyboardAlpha-Numeric Keys Commom SoftkeyFunctionsPower/BacklightControl GettingStarted Turning The Star Pilot OnMenu Screen PressKey #1 to Choosethe PositionModeWhat Is a Waypoint? To Enter a WaypointAn FTNTFCITfl N U In r e EntrPositionMode 122SavingPresentPositionIn a Waypoint Featuresof Track Plot PIutModeIYavigateMode SantacruzSave WaypointMode FENIiTT, fosz.srttN U Ie s c N U nI r e I n I v l e N r nL e r u r n Route EditnameStatusModc SetUpMode TimeoffsetTheBasicsof GPS GPS Modes AdvancedlavigationGuideCoG Error Codes StnrPilnt Error Messages & TroublpslnotingTipsGPS Health Messages Speciftcations Main FeaturesPhysical SoftwareUpdates How ToObtainService Return to