Unit Installation
The compact size of the Star Pilot allows lor easy installation in most any boat . To get maximum perfbrmance and lif - cfrom your unit . t h e t o l l o w i n g g u i d e l i n e ss h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e dw h e n s e l e c t i n ga
m o u n t i n g l o c a t i o n :
l)Select a location where the unit is protected 1}om excessive temperature .Heat is one of the worst enemies of electronic components . and will acceleratecomponent aging . thereby reducing the trouble - free lif - eof your Star Pilot .
2 ) M o u n t t h e d i s p l a y i n a l o c a t i o n w h e r e i t w i l l b e c o n v e n i e n tt o route the power and antennacables .
NOTE: An optional . in - dash mounting bracket is available for thc Star Pilot display unit . Contact your nearby Authorized Interphase Dealer or thc Interphase Accessories Sales Depart -
GPS antenna/receiver
Antenna cable
Power cable
StarPilot GPS displal,unit
Power Connection
The Star Pilot requiresa powersourcewith a voltagelevelfiom 10 to 16 VDC. Low voltagemay causea dim clisplayreduced.signal. weakbeeperanda slowturn on. High voltagemay cventuallyresult in lailureof someinternalpart.The nominalvoltagclbundon most properlyoperatingmarinepow'ersystemsis 13.6VDC. It is recommendedthatyou checkthevoltagesupplywhich you intendto operatefbr the properlevel.
The powercord includedwith theStar Pilot includesan
WARNING: Ncvcr replacethc Star