StnrPilnt Error Messages & TroublpslnotingTips
The lowerright sideof thePositionScreendisplayseither2D. 3D or OLD. 2D or 3D meansyour positionflxes arecurrent.If you see OLD, theStar Pilot is informingyou thatit is not receivingnew positionfixes.Pressthe MENU softkey.andthenpushKey #5 to bringup the STATUS Screen.
GPS Health Messages
-w'ith No Response This meanstheStar Pilot doesnot havecontact
the Antenna/ReceiverThis. messagewill normalll,appearfbr a short time uponfirst turningthe unit on. lf this messagedoesnot change, inspectthe cableconnectionsat the Antennamoduleandat the back of the Star Pilot displayunit to ensurethev areclean.dry and there areno bentpins.
No GPS TM (Time) - This meanstheStar Pilot is receivingsignals but hasnot lockedon to a satelliteIt. is still searchingandcomputing. If thismessagedoesnot changeafiera minuteor two, makesure thereareno obstructionsto the antenna'sview of the sky.
I SAT - The Star Pilot haslocatedonesatellite.
2 SAT - The Star Pilot haslocatedtwo satellites.
GOOD - The Star Pilot hasfound a third satelliteandcan now calculatea
PDOP - 12or highermeansthatevenwith theminimalthree satellitesin view, thequalityof the signalsfrornthemis not enough to provideaccuratefixes.
Error Codes
FF- This meanstheStar Pilot haslostcontactwith theAntenna/ Receiver.If cableconnectionsaresolid andcleanbetweenthe AntennaandStar Pilot, try turningthe unit off andbackon to reset it. If the "FF" doesnot changewithin a few moments,thereis a problemin eitherthe Antenna/ReceiverModule,the cableor connectors,or the Display/ControlUnit, and the completeStar Pilot systemshouldbe returnedto the Interphase Factory Service Center.
00 - This meansthe Star Pilot'ssystemsareerrorfree.
Any otherError Codemeansthereis a problemwith the Antenna/ Receiver.Try tuming the Star Pilot off, thenon again.If the Error
Codespersistcontactthe Interphase TechnicalSupport (iroup (40$