Interphase Tech Interphase Star Pilot GPS manual DisplayUnit, Ment408127-4414 Power Connection

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Unit Installation


The compact sizc of the Star Pilot allou s tirr easr installation in most any boat . To get marimuttt pcrlix'tttaltccancllil'efrom your unit . the fbllowing guiclelinesshor . rlclbc'cottsiclcrccl. rhenselccting a

m o u n t i n g l o c a t i o n :

l ) S e l e c ta l o c a t i o nw h c r e t h c u n i t i s p r t t t c - c t c fdr o m e r c e s s i v e tempcrature .Heat is one ol - thc \\ orst L'tl! - llliesof clcctronic components . and will accclcratecontponcnt aging, thereby reducing thc trouble - free lite of your Star Pilot .


2) Mount the display in a locatictnrvhcre it will bc convenient to route the power and antennacablcs .

NOTE: An optionzrl .in - dash mounting bracket is available tor thc Star Pilot display unit . Contact your nearby Authorized Interphase Dealer or the Interphase Accessories Sales Depart -


Power Connection

GPS antenna/recciver

The Star Pilot requires.rpowersourcewith a voltagelevelfrom l0 to I 6 VDC. Low voltagemay causea dim display.reduccdsignal. weakbccperanda slow tum on. High voltagemay eventuallyresult in failureof someinternalpart.The nominalvolta-ecfoundon most properlyoperatingtnarinepowersy\temsis 13.6VDC. It is rccommendedthatyou checkthevolta-uesupplywhich you intendto operatefor theproperlevel.


a* Power cable

StarPilot GPS displayunit

Connectthc two-pinplug on theendof thepowersupplycableto the powersupplyjack locatedat therearof theunit.Connectthered wire to thepositiveterminalandthc blackwire to thenc-qativetcnninalof your boat'sl2 VDC battcry,or thecorrespondingconnectionsof the rnaindistributionpanel.Avoid connectingdirectlyto thesanlecircuit with any electronicswhichtendto drawa largeamountof powcr. suchasbilgepumps,refrigeratorsandtransmittingradios.

The powercord includedwith theStar Pilot includesan in-linefuse holderwith a 1.6Amp fusc installedBe. certainwhenconnectingthe powercord to the batterythat the correctpolarity is observedor the l'usemay blow andpossiblecircuitdamagemay occur.

WARNIN(i: Neverreplacethe Star Pilot'sin-linefusewith a fuse of a higherrating.Alwaysreplacewith a fusewith a ratin-between I Amp. and 1.6Arnp.

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Contents Ffi E OperationMMTableof Contents Ment408427-4444 Power Connection Unit InstallationGencralInformntion DisplayUnit Ment408127-4414 Power ConnectionStar Pilot GPS Antenna AntewtnInstallntionStar Pilot Keyboard BasicOperationAlpha-Numeric Keys Commom SoftkeyFunctionsPower/BacklightControl Turning The Star Pilot On GettingStartedMenu Screen PressKey #1 to Choosethe PositionModeTo Enter a Waypoint What Is a Waypoint?An FTNTFCITfl N U In r e EntrSavingPresentPositionIn a Waypoint 122PositionMode PIutMode Featuresof Track PlotSantacruz IYavigateModeSave FENIiTT, fosz.srtt WaypointModeN U Ie s c N U nI r e I n I v l e N r nRoute Editname L e r u r nStatusModc Timeoffset SetUpModeTheBasicsof GPS CoG AdvancedlavigationGuideGPS Modes GPS Health Messages StnrPilnt Error Messages & TroublpslnotingTipsError Codes Physical Main FeaturesSpeciftcations SoftwareUpdates Return to How ToObtainService