Trouble shooting network problems with older HydReclaim units
You’ve configured more serial devices and are having problems establishing communications.
Step 1: Disconnect the cable from all of the blenders except for the first one. Check communications. Be sure to read Chapter 4 before continuing.
Step 2: If you still don’t have communications, then ring out the cables. PIN 9 on the PC should go to PIN 4 on the first blender, PIN 1 on the PC should go to PIN 5 on the first blender, PIN 2 on the PC should go to PIN 8 on the first blender, and PIN 3 on the PC should go to PIN 9 on the first blender. From there PIN 4 on blender 1 goes to PIN 4 on all of the other blenders, PIN 5 on blender 1 goes to PIN 5 on all other blenders, PIN8 on blender 1 goes to PIN 8 on all other blenders, and PIN 9 on blender 1 goes to PIN 9 on all other blenders. Also check that these pins are not shorted together (check all possible combinations).
Step 3: At this point trouble shooting gets a bit more difficult. You will need to close down A3 and open up Hyper Terminal. Hyper Terminal is a standard Windows program that gets installed with Windows. You can find it under “Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/HyperTerminal”. Enter a name for the connection (call it “test”). When asked for a phone number select “Direct to COM 4” (or whatever comport the USB RS422/485 adapter is set to, see Chapter 4). When asked for the baud rate, set it to 19200 (make sure the blender is also set to 19200). With the cable connected to the PC and the first blender, turn off the blender and then turn it back on. You should see on the PC screen “Power Up”. If you see this, then we know that at least communications from the blender to the PC is working, but from the PC to the blender still needs to be tested. To test that type, string exactly into HyperTerminal (be sure to set the blenders ID to 1 for this test, see Chapter 4):
Cntrl b, 01T, Cntrl c, 45
(make sure caps lock is on, don’t type the commas)
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