Attack: The pitch Attack time is measured in seconds
Depth: Pitch Envelope Depth is measured in cents and represents the Attack or Note On pitch of a sample. In other words, when a note is played, the sample begins playback with the specified Depth offset and is then bent back to its original pitch over the time interval specified in the Attack parameter.
Controller: The amplitude modulation controls allow
Invert: When enabled, this setting reverses the incoming MIDI controller data values.
Attack, Decay, and Release depth: These sliders allow you to enable MIDI control of amplitude envelope parameters. Enabling these parameters allows the specified MIDI Modulation Controller to affect one, two, or all three parameters at once, with varying intensity for each.
The overall audible effect of the MIDI controller will depend on the region’s amplitude envelope settings. For example, if the amplitude envelope Attack time is set to zero, you will not hear any effect by altering the Modulation Controller. With an envelope Attack higher than zero, the Modulation Controller will start working; smaller Attack time settings will result in subtle changes while larger Attack time settings result in more dramatic changes. The same paradigm also applies similarly to the Decay and Release values.