The Waveform view provides valuable visual feedback when adjusting Envelope, LFO, and sample loop points. There are three basic sections to the waveform display including the zoom tools, a time display, and the actual waveform window.
Zoom Bar: The purple rectangle located just above the time display can be used to scroll through a sample as well as to zoom in and out. The light purple section of the Zoom Bar represents the visible section of the waveform; the dark purple section represents sample data beyond the waveform display window.
When you roll over the Zoom Bar with your mouse, a unique scroll icon replaces the usual mouse pointer. To scroll, simply click within the light purple (visible) Zoom Bar area and drag to the left or right. You can also scroll by clicking in the Zoom Bar, either to the left or right of the light purple Zoom Bar area.
To zoom in and out, simply click on one of the outside edges of the light purple Zoom Bar area and drag to the left or right. The direction of zoom depends on whether you grab the left or right boundary of the light purple Zoom Bar area.
You can also
Zoom Buttons: To the right of the Zoom bar are a group of four buttons that can alternatively be used to zoom and scroll:
(<)Click to scroll left
(+)Click to zoom in
(>)Click to scroll right
Time Display: The Ruler located above the waveform window is a scalable time readout measured in seconds.
When looping is enabled for a sample, loop start and end points handles will appear within this time display, as well as a handle for Sample Offset. To adjust loop points or sample offset,