The FX Bus Routing Matrix allows you to independently route each microphone placement contained within an impulse set to either the left or right channel of the FX Bus. The routing section also allows you to create simulated stereo signal from a mono impulse response.
True Stereo: Limits the number of Mic Placements to two and assigns one to the Left output channel and the other to the Right output channel.
Simulated Stereo: Simulates a stereo signal from a mono source audio stream passing through GigaPulse. When simulated stereo is enabled, GigaPulse will disable all but one microphone placement. Because only one channel of convolution is used for Simulated Stereo, less CPU resources are used than with Stereo Banks.
Width - Simulates the perceived width of the convolved signal from left to right.
Image - Simulates the perceived depth of the convolved signal from front to back by creating extra voices and shifting them slightly temporally.