Preattack: The Filter Pre-attack value is adjusted with percentage numbers (0-100). Preattack offsets the initial Filter Cutoff value for the attack of the Filter Envelope. For example, a Preattack offset of 50.00 sets the envelope’s initial Filter Cutoff value to halfway between the lowest Cutoff value (0) and the user specified Cutoff Value.
Attack: The Filter Attack time is measured in seconds (0-60). This value sets the amount of time that it takes for a sustaining sample’s Filter envelope to morph between the lowest Cutoff value (0) and the user specified Cutoff Value
Decay1: The Decay1 time is measured in seconds (0-60).This parameter defines the amount of time it takes for the Filter Cutoff to morph from the peak Cutoff value down to the Filter Sustain value.
Sustain: The Filter Sustain value is also adjusted with percentage numbers. (0-100).The Sustain setting determines the Filter Cutoff value during the sustain portion of the Filter ADSR that occurs between Decay1 and Decay2.
Decay2: The Decay2 time is either measured in seconds (0-60), or set to Infinite, which overrides the time setting. Decay2 determines how long the Sustain section of the Filter envelope will last before releasing, even without letting go of the note. Setting Decay2 to Infinite will cause the Filter Cutoff to remain at the specified Sustain value until you release the note.
Release: Filter Release time is measured in seconds (0-60).This value determines how long it will take for the Filter Cutoff to ramp down from the Filter Sustain value to zero. If Decay2 is set to Infinite, the release will begin when the note is released. If Decay2 is set to an amount of time, the release will begin either after that amount of time passes or if you release the note before the Decay2 time passes.