Downloadable from Allen & Heath web site
Uses Windows™ HyperTerminal iDR System Manager configuration software
Uses Windows™ PC
On and off line operation
Required only for system configuration PL Designer virtual controller design software
Uses Windows™ PC Configured by installer
Allows restricted operator control PL Client virtual controller
Uses Windows™ PC
For operator control from PC workstation
Time hours : minutes : seconds, 24 hour clock Day of week
Manually enter or sync to PC
Unit name – up to 16 characters Patch names – up to 8 characters Input channels – up to 8 characters Output channels – up to 8 characters Fader group names – up to 8 characters LCD display user text – up to 16 characters
Soft Switches
Assignable by the installer
Latching, press, release actions or unused
Level control – input, output, crosspoint, group, up, down, up/down (using scroll keys), range limit
Mute control – on, off, toggle Patch control – recall
Logic control –
Soft LEDs
Assignable by the installer
Signal meters
LCD Display
2x16 character, grey, backlit Assignable display, patch related Combinations of clock, unit name and user text Setup menu, code update and status modes
Memory System
Up to 99 patches, memory usage dependent
Patch name – up to 8 characters, displays on PC, can display in LCD
Select parameters to save from on screen list Add/remove parameter edit functions Selectable power up patch recall
Patch recall assignable to front panel and remote soft switches
Scheduled events (clock related patch recall) Adjustable level cross fade between patches
Parameters stored in
Unit name
Time and day clock
TCP/IP and PPP settings
Configured settings and patches
Parameters archived as configurations files: Communication port preferences Synchronisation preferences Channel names
Fader group names Stereo channel selection Scheduled events Patch contents
Power up patch (if one has been set)
Parameters stored in patches:
Fader levels and patch cross fade time All channel processing parameters Matrix settings
Input and output source patchbays Input preamp settings
AMM, ducker and pager settings Fader group settings
LCD display settings Soft key and LED settings
Signal generator settings
Source Patchbays
Emulates a physical patchbay
Input channel source – analog XLR
Output XLR source – output channel
Mix Matrix
Input / output channel crosspoint matrix
Switched routing or variable level fader at each point Fader range off to 0dB in 51 steps
48kHz mode – 16x16 96kHz mode – 8x8
Controls - set/clear individual row, column or all