Firmware Update Procedures
After you click OK, a blank configuration will be sent to the hardware. This is to prevent audio processing while firmware is uploaded.
Another dialog box will appear, allowing you to locate the firmware file(s).
All modules should be using the same firmware version as CueStation. There are five firmware files in each release:
(where "x_x_x_xx" is the version number) The lx300___.csf file has two firmware files for the
The et_boot___.csf file is a very small file that is the first of 3 files needed for the
etrx1_x_x_x_xx.csf, etrx2_x_x_x_xx.csf
The etrx1___.csf and etrx2___.csf files are very large and are the rest of the files needed for the
The lx300exp___.csf file is used to upgrade the firmware in both
Make sure to select all five files when uploading firmware, or one .zip file that contains all files. Hold down the Shift key to select multiple files at once.
When uploading firmware, you can select a .zip file, or multiple .zip files, and the .csf firmware files will be extracted automatically.
5. Upload Firmware Files
When you have selected the files you wish to upload, click Open to upload them.
You can watch the progress on the front of the
6. Confirm Upload Success
Once the firmware upload is complete, there will be File Complete... messages in the log. If you uploaded all five firmware files, you should see six File Complete messages: one for each DSP in your system, plus an additional one from the main DSP. All DSPs should now be online.
7. Power Cycle LX-300s
Power cycle all
Unsuccessful Uploads
If the firmware upload was unsuccessful, you may have to erase the flash memory and upload the firmware over a serial connection. See the following section for details.
Upgrading a System from EPROM Mode
Please contact LCS Series support for assistance with this operation.