1. Press PLAY to start play.
•Press PAUSE on Deck 1 to tem- porarily stop playback. To resume playback, press PAUSE again.
•Press to
ward, or press REWIND/ to rewind the tape. When the tape reaches the desired location, press STOP/EJECT.
Do not press or RE-
WIND/ on the other deck, or the sound quality might deterio- rate.
2.If the tape is marked DOLBY NR, set DOLBY NR to ON. Otherwise, set DOLBY NR to OFF (see “Using Dolby Noise Reduction” on Page 41).
3.If you use Deck 2:
•Press in REV MODE to play both sides of the tape one time, or press out REV MODE to continu- ously play both sides of the tape.
•Press DIRECTION to immedi- ately play the other side of the cassette tape.