3.Pressurize supply piping system by either opening propane/LP supply tank valve for propane/LP gas or opening main gas valve lo- cated on or near gas meter for natural gas, or using compressed air.
4.Check all joints of gas supply piping system. Apply noncorrosive leak detection fluid to all joints. Bubbles forming show a leak.
5.Correct all leaks at once.
6.Reconnect fireplace and equipment shutoff valve to gas supply. Check reconnected fit- tings for leaks.
Test Pressures Equal To or Less Than 1/2 PSIG (3.5 kPa)
1.Close equipment shutoff valve (see Figure 24).
2.Pressurize supply piping system by either opening propane/LP supply tank valve for propane/LP gas or opening main gas valve lo- cated on or near gas meter for natural gas, or using compressed air.
3.Check all joints from gas meter to equipment shutoff valve for natural gas or propane/LP supply to equipment shutoff valve for pro- pane/LP (see Figures 25 or 26). Apply non- corrosive leak detection fluid to all joints. Bubbles forming show a leak.
4.Correct all leaks at once.
Equipment |
| ON |
Shutoff Valve |
| OpenP SITION |
Figure 24 - Equipment Shutoff Valve
Equipment | Gas Regulator or |
Gas Control Valve | |
Shutoff Valve |
Propane/LP |
Supply Tank |
Figure 25 - Checking Gas Joints
(Propane/LP Only)
Gas Regulator or
Equipment Gas Control Valve Shutoff Valve
Gas |
Meter |
Figure 26 - Checking Gas Joints (Natural
Gas Only)
1.Open equipment shutoff valve (see Figure 24).
2.Open main gas valve located on or near gas meter for natural gas or open propane/LP sup- ply tank valve.
3.Make sure control knob of fireplace is in the OFF position.
4.Check all joints from equipment shutoff valve to gas regulator
5.Correct all leaks at once.
6.Light fireplace (see Operating Fireplace, page 23). Check all other internal joints for leaks.
7.Turn off fireplace (see To Turn Off Gas to Ap- pliance, page 25 for
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