321 Studios OL-2706-01 manual

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Chapter 2 Provisioning

Step by Step Installation and Initial Configuration

Step 10 Edit the LocalStrings.properties file:

ptc-tme%vi LocalStrings.properties







props.seedfilelocation=/opt/cisco/vnm/topodisc/seedfile.txt props.majserver=http://majewski-u10:8080/layout/servlet/LayoutServer props.seedfilename=seedfile.txt props.imagebase= props.discoverydir=/opt/vnm/topodisc props.apppath=/opt/vnm/topology/resources props.gdpmurl= props.discoverbts=false

props.vspt_user=vnm props.cmnm_user=vnm props.cisview_user=vnm props.cic_user=root props.cic_prompt=trapman# props.naboo_user=ciscocsr props.naboo_prompt=csr-tme% props.sysadmin_user=vnm props.sysadmin_prompt=% props.smservername=:SMTest props.httpport=8080 props.pinginterval=3000 props.sessiontimeout=-1 props.warnbefore=60 props.dointervalbasedresync=false props.resyncstarttime=23:30 props.resyncinterval=24 props.rdbms=sybase props.dbhost=localhost props.dbsharedcon=1 props.dbpooledcon=0 props.dbname=PTC props.dbuser=dba props.dbpassword=sql props.dbinformixserver= props.dbport=49152 props.metaxmlfile=/opt/cisco/vnm/lib/vnm.xml props.softwareVersion=Cisco Packet Telephony Center 2.1.1

Cisco Internet OSS for VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Implementation Guide







Image 73
Contents Description ProvisioningTarget Market Scope of the SolutionDocument Purpose Examples of Open Packet Telephony Networks Open Packet Telephony OverviewMgcp Packet Voice Network Virtual Entities in the Network Virtual SwitchMGC CNS NMS ArchitectureIoss Provisioning Component Architecture Interconnection/Interoperability Functional DescriptionCisco Packet Telephony Center Component ListCisco Media Gateway Control Node Manager Cisco Voice Routing CenterLess than Entry level UltraSparcIII 9GB with at leastActive Host Standby Host Cmnm FeaturesCmnm Configuration Cmnm TroubleshootingRecommended Hardware Configuration for Cmnm Recommended Hardware Configuration for Vspt Voice Services Provisioning ToolRecommended Hardware Configuration for CiscoView CiscoViewCisco CNS Intelligence Engine and Cisco CNS Bus Technology Cisco CNS Intelligence EngineHardware Requirements Installing the Cisco CNS IE2100 Configuration Engine Overview of InstallationDependencies Installation Overview PCI PCI Scsi Chapter Provisioning Localhost.localdomain login setup Cisco Intelligence Engine Enter the Secondary DNS Server IP address OL-2706-01 Http//hostname or IP address of IE2100/config/login.html Gathering Installation Software Planning and Installation ChecklistDetermining the Hardware Requirements for Your Environment Installing the Solaris 8 Patch ClusterEnsuring the Network Devices have the Correct Software Ptc-tme#mkdir patches Cnote-tme# ./installclusterPtc-tme#cd patches Host# showrev -p Host# showrev -p grep Dependencies with the following commandsCmnm-pri# hostid Obtaining a Cisco EMF LicenseChecking System Prerequisites Order of InstallationCmnm-pri#nslookup cmnm-pri Cmnm-pri#cd /opt/images cmnm-pri#pwdList the contents of the directory Cmnm-pri# ls -l Untar the contents of the CSCOvspt-2.3.1.tarfileCmnm-pri# ./setup -nodisplay Cmnm-pri# mkdir tmp cmnm-pri# cd tmp cmnm-pri# lsInstallation Summary Following items were installed Cmnm-pri#tar -xvof CSCOvspt-2.3.1-patch-01.tar Untar the contents of the CSCOvspt-2.3.1-patch-01.tarfileOutput suppressed Installing Cemf 3.2 and Available Patches Checking for Package InstallCheck to ensure the entire package was installed Cmnm-pri#cd cdrom/cdrom0 Cmnm-pri# ./cemfinstallIs this setup correct? y y,n,? Cemf Manager Installation OL-2706-01 Page ?-----------output suppressed------------------------? Cemf Patch InstallationList the contents of the current directory Cmnm-pri# ls List the contents of the Patch directory Cmnm-pri# lsNow do the same with Patch Invoke the Cemf installation scriptCmnm-pri#tar -xvof CEMF3.2P3.2.tar Start the Cemf application Starting CemfCmnm-pri#cd /opt/cemf Cmnm-pri#bin/cemf start Before installing CMNM, ensure Cemf is running Installing the Cisco MGC Node ManagerCmnm-pri#cd /opt/cemf Cmnm-pri#bin/cemf query Cmnm-pri#ps -ef grep vold Cmnm-pri#cd /cdrom/cscocmnm Cmnm-pri# ./installCSCOcmnmCmnm-pri# /etc/init.d/volmgt start Output suppressed Verifying class none Installation of CSCOcmnm was successful Opt/cemf/help/CSCOcmnm/cdapp/launched ?-----------------output suppressed-----------------------? ## Reading Package Files Done Output suppressed ## Executing actions Cmnm-pri#pkginfo -l CSCOcmnm Verifying Correct Installation Before ContinuingObtain Cmnm version information Cmnm-pri#bin/cmnmversion -verboseInstalling Cmnm Patches Verifying the Installation of CiscoViewCmnm-pri#pkginfo -l CSCOcmcv Cmnm-pri# ./patchCSCOcmnmStarting Cmnm Verifying Patch Installation SuccessCemf Logo Window # cd /scratch/cvUpgrade Installing Cisco PTC 2.1.1 Integrated with Cisco VRCUpgrading CiscoView Cisco PTC Client RequirementsProduct Prerequisite Cisco PTC Dependencies on Platform VersionsIntegrated Product Component Optional Product Components Installing Cisco PTCCisco PTC Server Installation Pre Installation Checks#pkginfo -l Cnsc #pkginfo l Tibrv Copying Cisco PTC Files From the Product CD Installing the Cnsc Core PackageCnsc Core CNS Integration BUS CNS Security Java Tomcat VRC Ptc-tme%pkginfo -l Cnsc Ptc-tme#pkginfo -l Tibrv Ptc-tme# ./cnscInstallPtc-tme# cd /opt/vnm/common Installing the Java and Tomcat PackagesPtc-tme#pwd /opt/PTC-2.1.1 Ptc-tme# ./cnscInstall Installing the Cisco Voice Routing Center ApplicationPtc-tme#cd /opt/vnm/common Opt/vnm/common/jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1 directory existsIors Ptc-tme#more /.cshrc Installing the Voice Corba Gateway on the Cmnm HostPtc-tme#which share When prompted, enter 1 as the number of EMSsThis is the password to login to the Cmnm host machine Cmnm-tme#ps -ef grep McgNotifyServer Cmnm-tme#ps -ef grep ObjectAccessSynchronizing Cmnm with the SC2200 Cisco PTC Patch Information02011801.tar 02011802.tar 02011804.tar Ptc-tme% dcdstart System StartupVerify the Cisco CNS Security process is running Ptc-tme%ps -ef grep dcx500Ptc-tme%ps -ef grep rvrd Verify the Cisco CNS Integration Bus is runningPage Configuring the Cisco PTC Client Post Installation ConfigurationGo to the /opt/cisco/vnm directory Ptc-tme%cd /opt/cisco/vnmImplementation and Testing OL-2706-01