C H A P T E R 2
The Provisioning Management chapter of the Cisco Internet OSS for VoIP: Infrastructure Manager
(Cisco VoIP: Infrastructure Manager) Solution is the second chapter in a four chapter Cisco VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Solution document. Provisioning management, in the context of this Solution, deals with the provisioning of network elements and the management of those configuration files. This guide details the network architecture, provisioning management applications, configuration file management applications, and the deployment strategies surrounding Cisco's Configuration Management Solution.
Cisco employs a distributed model for its service provider, Voice over IP (VoIP) product suite. Although, at a certain level, each deployed device requires a unique instance of an Element Management System (EMS) to provide upstream information pertaining to fault, performance, and provisioning, it is incumbent upon the Network Management System (NMS) to appear as a virtual entity that hides the individual element complexity.
A complete NMS Solution adheres to the Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance and Security (FCAPS) model. The solution covered in this document finds its place in the Configuration portion of the FCAPS model. It is a component chapter in the Cisco VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Solution and deals specifically with configuration and provisioning management. It is intended to be referenced in conjunction with the companion chapters dealing with performance and fault management.
This chapter is a collection of published material, all available on Cisco Connection Online (CCO). All the specifics of importance in this document can be found in one or more of the documents listed in the “Related Documents” section. Each URL listed in the “Related Documents” section points to documentation for a particular application or pair of applications and is complete in its own right for that application. This guide pulls together the information available for all of the provisioning applications of importance to the Cisco VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Solution.
For all of the applications or functionality detailed in this guide, there is a comprehensive set of documents available on CCO. The “Related Documents” section is a to guide to finding them.
Cisco Internet OSS for VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Implementation Guide
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