Chapter 2 Provisioning
Step by Step Installation and Initial Configuration
/opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itconfig_rep <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itevent <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itifr <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itkdm <symbolic link> /opt/cemf/Orbix2000/bin/itlocator <symbolic link>
?-----------output suppressed------------------------?
/opt/cemf/db/virtualAttributeServer.adb [verifying class <schema>]
## Executing postinstall script.
020925 163258 ObjectStore Release 5.1 Service Pack 4 Database Server
020925 163258 LOG 0001 There are no partitions specified in the parameters file. Only file databases will be accessible through this server.
CEMF Manager License Installer...
Starting ATL license manager daemon
Creating /opt/cemf/lochness/config/IOSDrep.locService
Installation of <CSCOcemfm> was successful.
The option install "Cisco Element Manager Framework - Server" was completed successfully.
Step 15 After a successful installation of CEMF, eject the CD. Next step is to install any CEMF patches.
CEMF Patch Installation
CEMF patches are found on the Cisco Connection Online site (with a registered login) at the following location:
Note The latest patch for this product at the time this chapter was written is Patch 3, with a smaller patch (P3.2) which is dependent upon the installation of Patch 3.
Cisco Internet OSS for VoIP: Infrastructure Manager Implementation Guide
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