I I . S A F E T Y
Weight Limitations
WARNING! Exceeding the weight capacity voids your warranty and may result in personal injury and/or damage to your power chair. Pride will not be held responsible for injuries and/or property damage resulting from failure to observe weight limitations.
WARNING! Do not carry passengers on your power chair. Carrying passengers on your power chair may result in personal injury and/or property damage.
Tire Inflation
Ifyourpowerchairisequippedwithpneumatictires,youshouldcheckorhavetheairpressurecheckedatleastonceaweek.Proper inflationpressureswillprolongthelifeofyourtiresandhelpensurethesmoothoperationofyourpowerchair.
WARNING! It is important that 35 psi tire pressure be maintained in pneumatic tires at all times. Do not underinflate or overinflate your tires. Low pressure may result in loss of control, and overinflated tires may burst. Failure to maintain 35 psi tire pressure in pneumatic tires at all times may result in tire and/or wheel failure, causing serious personal injury and/or damage to your Jet.
WARNING! Inflate your power chair drive tires from a regulated air source with an available pres- sure gauge. Inflating your tires from an unregulated air source could overinflate them, resulting in a burst tire and/or personal injury.
Incline Information
νTakewideswingswithyourpowerchair’sfrontwheelsaroundanytightcorners.Ifyoudothat,thepowerchair’srearwheelswill followawidearc,notcutthecornershort,andnotbumpintoorgethunguponany railingcorners.
νWhendrivingdownaramp,keepthepowerchair’sspeedadjustment settotheslowestspeedsettingtoensureasafelycontrolled descent. See VII.“Operation.”
Whenclimbinganincline,trytokeepyourpowerchairmoving.Ifyoumuststop,startupagainslowlyandthenacceleratecautiously. Whendrivingdownanincline,setyourpowerchairtotheslowestsettinganddriveintheforwarddirectiononly.Ifyourpowerchair startstomovedowntheinclinefasterthanyouanticipatedordesired,allowittocometoacompletestopbyreleasingthejoystick,then pushthejoystickforwardslightlytoensureasafelycontrolleddescent.
WARNING! When climbing an incline, do not zigzag or drive at an angle up the face of the incline. Drive your power chair straight up the incline. This greatly reduces the possibility of a tip or a fall. Always exercise extreme caution when negotiating an incline.
WARNING! You should not travel up or down a potentially hazardous incline (i.e., areas covered with snow, ice, cut grass, or wet leaves).
WARNING! When on any sort of an incline or decline, never place the power chair in freewheel mode while seated on it or standing next to it. Doing so may result in personal injury and/or damage to your power chair.
WARNING! Never travel down an incline backwards. This may result in personal injury.
Quantum Jazzy 1400 Series Rev D May04 | www.pridemobility.com | 7 |