Pride Mobility 1420 manual Monthly Checks, Yearly Checks, Storage

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V I I I . C A R E A N D M A I N T E N A N C E

Monthly Checks

νCheck that the anti-tip wheels do not rub the ground when you operate the power chair. Adjust them as necessary. See V. “ComfortAdjustments.”


νCheck for drive tire wear. See an authorized Pride provider for repair.

νCheck the caster wheels for wear. Replace them as necessary.

νCheck the rear forks for damage or fluttering which indicates that they may need to be adjusted or have the bearings replaced. See an authorized Pride provider for repair.

νKeep your power chair clean and free of foreign material, such as mud, dirt, hair, food, drink, etc.

Yearly Checks

Take your power chair to an authorized Pride provider for yearly maintenance. This helps ensure that your power chair is functioning properly and helps prevent future complications.


Your power chair should be stored in a dry place, free from temperature extremes. When storing, disconnect the batteries from the power chair. See VI. “Batteries and Charging.”

CAUTION! If you fail to store the unit properly, the frame can rust and the electronics can be damaged.

Cleaning Precautions

CAUTION! Never hose off your power chair or place it in direct contact with water. Your power chair has a painted, ABS plastic body shroud that allows it to be easily wiped clean with a damp cloth.

CAUTION! Never use any chemicals to clean a vinyl seat, as they may cause the seat to become slippery or dry out and crack. Use soapy water and dry the seat thoroughly.

Tire/Wheel Replacement

If you have pneumatic tires and you have a flat tire, replace the tube. If your chair is equipped with a solid tire insert, then you must replace the whole wheel assembly. Replacement tires, tubes, and wheel assemblies are readily available through your authorized Pride provider.

WARNING! To avoid possible injury, be sure that the controller’s power is turned off and the power chair is not in freewheel mode before performing this procedure.

WARNING! Completely deflate the tire before attempting repair.

Follow these easy steps for a quick and safe repair for both solid and pneumatic tires:

1.Turn off the power to the controller.

2.Set the power chair up on blocks.

3.If you are changing a pneumatic tire, completely deflate it before removing the wheel.

4.Use a socket wrench to remove the drive wheel nut from the center hub of the wheel.

Quantum Jazzy 1400 Series Rev D May04


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Contents Includes 1420 Copyright Pride Mobility Products Corp N T E N T S Introduction N T R O D U C T I O NInformationExchange PrideMobilityProductsCorporation AttnCustomerCareDepartmentMyAuthorizedPrideProviderIs Pride Owners ClubModifications Pre-Ride Safety CheckS a F E T Y Incline Information Weight LimitationsTire Inflation Outdoor Driving Surfaces Braking InformationCornering Information Public Streets and Roadways Stairs and Escalators Freewheel ModeStationary Obstacles Steps, Curbs, etc EMI & RFI Batteries Inclement Weather Precautions Reaching and BendingPositioning Belts Removable Parts AlcoholWhere do radio waves come from? Frequently Asked Questions FAQsAre all power chairs susceptible to EMI/RFI? I . E M I / R FWhat should I do if my power chair moves unexpectedly? What is the FDA doing about the problem?Quantum Jazzy 1420 1400 is similar T H E Q UA N T U M JA Z Z Y 1 4 0 0 S E R I E SSpecifications Quantum Jazzy 1420 Power Base Shroud Removed is similar Active-Trac Suspension Electronics TrayTo operate the manual freewheel lever Manual Freewheel LeverUnplug the connectors from the electronics tray Seat Height and Seat Angle AdjustmentO M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S To change the seat height or seat angleSeatback Angle Adjustment To adjust the seatback angleArmrest WidthAdjustment ArmrestAngleAdjustment To change the armrest angleFootrest Angle To adjust the footrest angleController Position To extend the controllerTo adjust the ELR angle To adjust the SFR lengthTo adjust the ELR length Swing-away FootrestsAnti-Tip Wheels To adjust the anti-tip wheelsPower Elevating Seat Actuator Power Elevating Seat OptionTo use the swivel feature Power Elevating Seat OperationTo operate the power elevating seat To charge the batteries using the off-board charger TochargethebatteriesusingtheonboardchargerB a T T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G Batteries and ChargingFrequently Asked Questions FAQs How does the charger work? Battery Break-in TobreakinnewbatteriesformaximumefficiencyCan I use a different battery charger? How often must I charge the batteries?Why do my new batteries seem weak? Use these specifications to reorder deep-cycle batteriesHowcanIgetmaximumrangeordistancepercharge? What type of batteries should I use?How should I store my Power Chair and its batteries? HowcanIensuremaximumbatterylife?What about public transportation? What about shipping?Page I . O P E R a T I O N To select a speed setting Speed SettingsPower Accessories Power ModuleTrouble Codes Sleep ModeActuator Lighting Module Not Shown Other components are located inside the power base Motor wiring harnesses Battery wiring harnessesEuropa Master Remote JoystickTo enable the lockout system On/off key toggles the system power on and offOn/Off Key System Status LightDrive Mode and Actuator Display also Remote Status Display To change the drive mode programBattery Saver Feature Sleep Mode If EnabledFlash Code Sequence Diagnosis Solution Fault CodesShould your power chair come in contact with water Care and MaintenanceTemperature I I . C a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C EWeekly Checks Daily ChecksTo check the brakes To calibrate the joystick Remote Plus onlyMonthly Checks Cleaning Precautions Tire/Wheel ReplacementYearly Checks StorageTo replace the batteries Battery ReplacementTo inspect orreplace the motorbrushes Corrective MaintenanceMotor Brushes O P T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S Optional AccessoriesA R R a N T Y Lifetime Limited WarrantyT E S Remote Plus Controller Europa ControllerFit and Finish Performance Inclusion of all Parts