For practical purposes and ease of operation, it is advisable to detach the motors as the last component of the chair to be dismantled and to
PLEASE NOTE: Assistance may be required while this operation is carried out.
Step 1: Unscrew the knurled locking knob A. This can be unscrewed completely and still be retained in position.
Step 2: Release the side retaining pin B by turning it 180˚.
Step 3: Unbolt clamp C on the vertical frame member.
Step 4: Support the weight of the chair on the side the motor is being detached. Pull the motor assembly towards the back of the chair, take care to hold the motor assembly when it becomes detached. Repeat operation for both sides.
SPECIAL NOTE: Care must be taken when stowing the detached parts for transportation to ensure that no damage occurs, particularly to the brake housing and gearbox unit.
For ease of operation, it is advisable to
NOTE: The disassembly and reassembly of the motor assemblies can be handled and attached easier if the chair is carefully tipped onto the front, taking into account that the leg rests are not attached.
The chair can be transported disassembled safely in a suitable vehicle. Reversing the above procedures will make your chair ready at your destination.