The initial set up of this wheelchair must be performed by a qualified technician.
Procedures other than those described in this manual must be performed by a qualified technician.
Not all of the components within this manual will necessarily be available with your Spectra BlitzTM power wheelchair. Any references not applicable to your product should be ignored.
Intended Use
The Spectra BlitzTM Powerchair is intended for use by children or small adults weighing less than 75kg who may have impaired personal mobility.
The purpose of the Spectra Blitz Powerchair is to provide personal mobility and seated comfort / positioning to the user.
It is important that the user of this product understands the safety advice given within this user guide. Failure to follow the recommended advice within this user guide could lead to personal injury.
The Powerchair can be operated by either a seated user or carer / attendant and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use in accordance with the instructions given within this user guide.
When prescribing wheelchairs for use by full or partial amputees (above or below knee, single or double) or other condition which affects the users natural centre of gravity. It is imperitive that the product prescriber carries out a full stability evaluation to ensure that the user is safe in the use of the wheelchair and the risk of the wheelchair tipping is minimalised.