❑Tighten locknut if the front wheel wobbles noticeably or loosen locknut if the wheel binds to a stop.
❑Ensure that the fork stem bearing set is tight.
❑Ensure that wheel bearings are clean and free of moisture.
❑Ensure that the bolts and fasteners on the caster assemblies are tight.
❑Inspect caster assembly for proper tension by spinning the caster. The caster should come to a gradual stop.
❑Inspect tires for flat spots and wear.
❑Clean molded body shrouds.
Inspect/Adjust Weekly
❑Ensure that tiller adjustment mechanism engages and disengages properly and securely.
❑Ensure that the scooter stops completely when throttle is released (i.e., does not continue to roll as if the throttle is activated).
❑Inspect tires for flat spots and wear.
Inspect/Adjust Monthly
❑Check brake for binding or interference with travel.
❑Inspect front wheel/fork assembly for proper tension by spinning the wheel. The front wheel should come to a gradual stop.
❑Tighten locknut if the front wheel wobbles noticeably or loosen locknut if the wheel binds to a stop.
❑Ensure that the fork stem bearing set is tight.
❑If so equipped, inspect seat swivel for release and engagement (seat locks into the determined swivel positions).
❑Inspect the seat positioning strap for signs of wear. Replace if worn or damaged.
❑Ensure that the buckle on the seat positioning strap latches. Replace if necessary.
❑Verify that the hardware that attaches the seat positioning strap to the seat frame is secure and undamaged. Replace if necessary.
❑Ensure that the bolts and fasteners on the caster assemblies are tight.
❑Inspect caster assembly for proper tension by spinning the caster. The caster should come to a gradual stop.
Part No. 1125053 | 21 | 220 |