Gentek 3940201 Calibrate and Operate the Airflow Monitors, Guardian Airflow Monitor LED Monitor

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Chapter 6: Maintaining Your Filtered Enclosure


Calibrate and Operate the Airflow Monitors

Guardian Airflow Monitor (LED Monitor)

Refer to Figure 6-2 for operation and calibration.

Labconco Airflow Monitor / Airflow Switch Operation

The Guardian Airflow Monitor (LED) consists of a circuit board and an airflow switch. This switch indicates airflow as safe or low. It does not provide an actual face velocity, but a small setscrew in the back of the sensor can adjust the airflow level that it classifies as “good/safe” or “low/alert.”

The circuit board provides power to the sensor and also contains a “safe (green)” and “alert (red)” airflow LED indicators, as well as a “SILENCE ALARM” button to quiet the audio alarm. When first powered up, the PCB will light both red and green LED indicators and sound the alarm to indicate it is working. After 5 seconds, the air monitor will indicate either good or bad airflow based on what the connected airflow switch detects. For low airflow, the unit will wait for 10 seconds of bad indications before it sounds both the audio alarm and the red “alert” LED indicator. If the “SILENCE ALARM” button is pressed, the audio alarm will be silenced, but the red “alert” LED will remain on. The alarm is silenced indefinitely unless an airflow change is detected. If safe airflow is later detected for 10 seconds, the green “safe” LED will be lit and the “alert” (red) LED will be shut off. At any time the airflow is safe/good, one can press the SILENCE ALARM test button and the audio alarm and the red LED will turn on as long as this button is held down. The PCB has also a two-pin connector for use as an external output with isolated relay contacts that close when the red/alert LED is lit (low airflow). These relay contacts are not affected by the “SILENCE ALARM” button.

The PCB is mounted behind the front panel using standoffs and an appropriate label is used to highlight the “SILENCE ALARM” button with clear areas for the red and green LED’s. No holes to allow sound to be broadcast louder are necessary.

The PCB can be prepared as a factory special with an additional connector for the following external inputs, and having the following possible functions:


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Contents User’s Manual USA Warranty Prerequisites Able OntentsMaintaining Your Filtered Enclosure Chapter Introduction Introduction About This Manual Typographical Conventions Chapter Prerequisites Support, Vibration and Movement Requirements Temperature Variation RequirementsBackground on Electrostatics or Static Electricity Humidity and Static Electricity RequirementsExhaust and Blower Requirements Location and Air Current RequirementsSurface Resistivity Table XPert Station Space Requirements Electrical RequirementsLift by the front air foil Chapter Getting StartedDo not move the enclosure by tilting it onto a hand truck Unpacking the EnclosureWork Surface and Hepa Filtered Enclosure Installation Work Surface SpecificationsFiltered Enclosure Installation XPert Station Getting Started Getting Started Carbon Filters Accessory for Odor Control only Installation of Hepa Filters Accessory Odor Control CarbonHepa Filters 115V Models Filter Type Appropriate UseGetting Started Validating the Vented Enclosure Set the Face Velocity with the Speed Control AdjustmentSealing the Filtered Enclosure to the Work Surface High Performance Features Chapter High Performance Features and Safety PrecautionsHigh Performance Features and Safety 1510 Hepa Filtered Enclosure Airflow Diagram High Performance Features and Safety High Performance Features and Safety High Performance Features and Safety High Performance Features and Safety Safety Precautions High Performance Features and Safety High Performance Features and Safety High Performance Features and Safety Planning Routine Daily Work ProceduresFinal Purging Start-upLoading Materials and Equipment Work TechniquesHepa Filter Applications Suitability and Guidelines Suitable ApplicationsShutdown Odor Control Carbon Filter Applications sold as an accessory Definition of Terms Appropriate Chemicals for Odor Control Carbon Filters Prohibited Acid Use Chemical Carcinogen Use with Odor Control Carbon FiltersBalance Station, which uses a remote blower Chapter Maintaining Your Filtered Enclosure Weekly Routine Maintenance ScheduleMonthly or more often as required Decontamination Determination of when to Replace Hepa FiltersAnnually Maintaining Your Filtered Enclosure Purpose Hepa Filter Leak TestMineral oil Catalog #1491400 Acceptance Calibrate and Operate the Airflow Monitors Labconco Airflow Monitor / Airflow Switch OperationGuardian Airflow Monitor LED Monitor Calibration Enclosure Operating In-Flow Alarm Condition Set Point SpeedGuardian Digital 1000 Airflow Monitor Guardian Airflow Monitor LED with Airflow SwitchDigital 1000 Calibration OperationFactory Settings Guardian Digital 1000 Airflow Monitor Maintaining Your Filtered Enclosure Odor Control Carbon Filter Replacement Procedure See Steps for Calculating PPM and Filter Life Calculating Odor Control Carbon Filter LifeAmmonia only Initial CertificationRe-Certification Formaldehyde onlyMotorized Impeller Replacement Fluorescent Light ReplacementMotorized Impeller Replacement Speed Control Replacement Work Surfaces Chapter Accessorizing Modifying Your Filtered EnclosureAirflow Monitor Add appropriate Front Panel with cutout to mount DigitalExhaust Transition Kits for Ducting to Outside Remote Blowers Part DescriptionOdor Control Carbon Filter Accessory Filters Hepa FilterExhaust Dampers Hepa Filter Bag-In/Bag-Out BagUtility Shelf Kit Storage CabinetsAccessorizing and Modifying your Filtered Enclosure Problem Cause Corrective Action Chapter Troubleshooting Servicer Operating LOGTroubleshooting Problem Cause Corrective Action Date Comments Service Operating Record LogAppendix a Filtered Enclosure Components Replacement Parts Qty Part Number Description Qty Part Number Description Long Use for XPert System and XPert Station Use for XPert System, XPert Station, Digital Monitor and Bag Appendix B Dimensions Exhaust Options Figure B-1 XPert Filtered Balance System Figure B-2 XPert Filtered Balance Station Appendix B Dimensions and Exhaust Options Environmental Conditions Appendix C Filtered Enclosure SpecificationsAppendix C Filtered Enclosure Specifications Appendix C Filtered Enclosure Specifications Appendix C Filtered Enclosure Specifications Appendix C Filtered Enclosure Specifications Appendix C Filtered Enclosure Specifications Model Size Ppendix Uick Hart Iltered NclosuresNon-mandatory recommendations from Prudent Practices Appendix E References Nfpa 30 2000 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code General References Laboratory Safety, Principles and Practices, American Page USA