Braun 8500 manual Brushing technique, Pressure Sensor, Professional Timer, Minute Timer

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Brushing technique

Attach one of the brushheads to the handle. They can be used with any kind of toothpaste.

To avoid splashing, guide the brushhead to your teeth before switching the appliance on.

Guide the brushhead slowly from tooth to tooth.

Hold the brushhead in place for a few seconds before moving on to the next tooth.

Brush the gums as well as the teeth, first the outsides, then the insides, finally the chewing surfaces.

Do not press too hard or scrub, simply let the brush do all the work.

Pressure Sensor

For optimum brushing results Oral-B®ProfessionalCare™ 8500 DLX has a pressure control feature to ensure that the right degree of pressure is applied. This helps protect your gums from excessive brushing and makes your toothbrush easy to operate. If too much pressure is applied, the oscillating movement of the brushhead will continue but the pulsation will stop. In addition to feeling it, you can also hear the difference.


































Professional Timer

A short stuttering sound at 30-second intervals, which you can hear and feel, reminds you to brush the four quadrants of your mouth equally for a better overall clean.

2-Minute Timer

A long stuttering sound indicates when the dentist recommended 2-minute brushing time has been reached.

During the first few days of using the toothbrush, your gums may bleed slightly. In general, bleeding should stop after a few days. Should it persist after 2 weeks, please consult your dentist or hygienist.

Brushheads and accessories

The Oral-B®ProfessionalCare™ 8500 DLX offers you a variety of brushheads and accessories to meet your individual needs. They are all designed for daily use:


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Contents Powered by Információs vonal HelplineZelená linka Danıµma HattıClick Description Specifications Connecting and chargingBrushing technique Professional TimerMinute Timer Pressure SensorIII Interspace brushhead FlexiSoft brushheadII ProBright brushhead IV Tongue FreshenerBattery removal at the end of the products useful life Environmental noticeUsing your Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet irrigator Cleaning GuaranteeFor UK only Opis urzàdzenia UwagaDane techniczne Pod∏àczenie i ∏adowanieTechnika czyszczenia Minutowy sygnalizatorKoƒcówka FlexiSoft IV Koƒcówka czyszczàca do j´zykaPo u˝yciu Ochrona Êrodowiska naturalnegoWyjmowanie akumulatora na zakoƒczenie ˝ywotnoÊci produktu Obs∏uga irygatora Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet Czyszczenie Warunki gwarancji Popis Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet CenterDÛleÏité Technické údaje Pfiipojení a nabíjeníProfesionální ãasovaã Âistící technikySenzor tlaku Minutov˘ ãasovaãIII Kartáãková hlava pro mezizubní prostory Kartáãková hlava FlexiSoftII Kartáãková hlava ProBright IV OsvûÏovaã jazykuPo pouÏití Poznámka k Ïivotnímu prostfiedíPage Âi‰tûní Záruka Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet Center je DôleÏitéPripojenie a nabíjanie Technika ãistenia Profesionálny ãasovaãMinútov˘ ãasovaã Kefková hlava FlexiSoft II Kefková hlava ProBrightPoznámka k Ïivotnému prostrediu Vybratie akumulátora po uplynutí ãasu Ïivotnosti zariadeniaPage Âistenie Záruka Leírás Az Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet CenterFontos Felhívás Csatlakozás és töltésAz elektromos fogkefe szakszerı használata IdŒmérŒKétperces idŒmérŒ III Interspace kefefej FlexiSoft kefefejII ProBright kefefej IV Tongue FreshenerKörnyezetvédelmi figyelmeztetés Az akkumulátor eltávolításaAz Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet szájzuhany használata Tistzítás GaranciaOpis Komplet Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJetVaÏno Kori‰tenje Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX ãetkice za zube SpecifikacijeSpajanje i punjenje Rad s ãetkicom Profesionalni timerDvominutni timer Kontrola pritiskaGlava ãetkice za zube FlexiSoft II Glava ãetkice za zube ProBrightIII Glava ãetkice za zube Interspace Nakon upotrebe Napomena o brizi za okoli‰Uklanjanje baterija kada se vi‰e ne mogu puniti Page Nakon upotrebe Âi‰çenjeJamstveni list Zobna prha Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet Center za ustno nego Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLXZobna ‰ãetka Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX je PomembnoPrikljuãitev in polnjenje Minutni timer Tehnika ‰ãetkanjaSenzor pritiska III Glava ‰ãetke Interspace Glava ‰ãetke FlexiSoftII Glava ‰ãetke ProBright IV Nastavek za osveÏitev jezikaPo uporabi Varovanje okoljaUporaba zobne prhe Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet Âi‰ãenje GarancijaOral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet aπ∂z duµu, hava Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet Center diµOral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX üstün performans ÖnemliÖzellikleri Elektriπe baπlama ve µarj etmeProfesyonel Zamanlay∂c∂ ∂rçalama tekniiBask∂ Kontrol Sistemi Dakikal∂k zamanlay∂c∂III Interspace yedek f∂rça baµl∂π∂ FlexiSoft f∂rça baµ∂II ProBright f∂rça baµ∂ IV Dil TemizleyiciÖnemli çevre notu Noktalarına atınOral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet aπ∂z duµunun kullan∂m∂ Temizleme Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page ∏ Ô‰ÔÓÙfißÔ˘ÚÙÛ· Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX ¶ÂÚÈÁÚ·õ‹∆Ô Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX OxyJet Center ·Ù·ÈÔÓÈÛÙ‹Ú·˜ Oral-BProfessionalCareì‡Ó‰ÂÛË Î·È õfiÚÙÈÛË ÃÚ‹ÛË Ù˘ Ô‰ÔÓÙfißÔ˘ÚÙÛ·˜ Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX¶ÚԉȷÁÚ·õ¤˜ ∆Ô Û‡ÛÙËÌ· Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX∆¯ÓÈ΋ ßÔ˘ÚÙÛ›ÛÌ·ÙÔ˜ ∞ÈÛıËÙ‹Ú·˜ ›ÂÛ˘∂·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÎfi˜ ¯ÚÔÓÔÌÂÙÚËÙ‹˜ III ªÂÛÔ‰fiÓÙÈÔ ßÔ˘ÚÙÛ¿ÎÈ Âõ·Ï‹ FlexiSoftII Âõ·Ï‹ ProBrightì IV ∂Í¿ÚÙËÌ· ηı·ÚÈÛÌÔ‡ ÁÏÒÛÛ·˜ªÂÙ¿ ÙË ¯Ú‹ÛË ËÌ›ˆÛË Û¯ÂÙÈο Ì ÙÔ ÂÚÈß¿ÏÏÔÓÃÚ‹ÛË ÙÔ˘ ηٷÈÔÓÈÛÙ‹Ú· Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 OxyJet ·ı·ÚÈÛÌfi˜ ∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË ÉÔËÒ‡ÌË ÁÛ·ÌÓÈ ˆÂÌÚ Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLXËÔˆËÙË͇ˆËfl ÈÓ‰ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌËÂ Ë Á‡fl‰Í‡ÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚È Ú‡ÈÏÂ ÍÂıÌË͇ ˜ËÒÚ͡ژËÍ ‰‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ‚ÛıÏËÌÛÚÌ˚È Ú‡ÈÏÂ‡Ò‡‰Í‡ FlexiSoft II ç‡Ò‡‰Í‡ ProBrightIV ç‡Ò‡‰Í‡ ‰Îfl ˜ËÒÚÍË flÁ˚͇ ‡˘ËÚ‡ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚‰‡ÎÂÌË ·‡Ú‡ÂÈÍË ‚ ÍÓ̈ Êëáìë ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚ‡ Ôóîóêâìëë ÓËÒÚ͇ Page Page Ë„‡ÚÓ Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet ÉÔËÒÁÛ·ÌÓª ˘¥ÚÍË Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX 𠂇„‡‡‡ÍÚÂËÒÚËÍË ‚¥ÏÍÌÂÌÌfl ‚ ÂÎÂÍÚÓÏÂÂÊÛ Ú‡ Á‡fl‰Ê‡ÌÌflÜÍ ˜ËÒÚËÚË ÁÛ·Ë ÓÙÂÒ¥ÈÌËÈ Ú‡ÈÏÂ‚Óı‚ËÎËÌÌËÈ Ú‡ÈÏÂ II ô¥Ú͇-̇҇‰Í‡ ProBright III ô¥Ú͇-̇҇‰Í‡ InterspaceIV ç‡Ò‡‰Í‡ Tongue Freshener ‡ıËÒÚ ÓÚÓ˜Û˛˜Ó„Ó ÒÂ‰ӂˢ‡Çˉ‡ÎÂÌÌfl ‡ÍÛÏÛÎflÚÓ¥‚ Á ÌÂÔˉ‡ÚÌÓ„Ó ‚ËÓ·Û Page ÓˢÂÌÌfl ‡„‡Î¸Ì¥ ÛÏÓ‚Ë Á·Â¥„‡ÌÌfl‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË Çraun ‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ-χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏËPage ∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË Î·È ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÂÈÛ΢ÒÓ 100 101 102