Braun manual Using your Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet irrigator

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Using your Oral-B®ProfessionalCare™ 8500 OxyJet® irrigator

Before using for the first time, fill the water container and allow the water to run through completely by holding the irrigator handle over a washbasin.

1.Attach one of the irrigator jets to the handle until it locks into place. Fill the water container with water and add mouthwash, if desired.

2.Turn on the irrigator by pressing the on/off switch. (When doing so, the handle switch should be in the lower position = water stop).

3.Select the water pressure with the pressure control dial

(1 = gentle, 5 = strong). We recommend that you start with setting 1, especially if your gums tend to bleed or if children are using the irrigator.

4.Bend over a washbasin and guide the jet to your teeth and gums. Slide the handle switch e up to start the water stream. Keep your mouth slightly open to allow the water to run into the washbasin.

You can choose between two different jet functions by sliding the jet switch 9 down or up (before doing so, turn off the water stream by sliding the handle switch e down):

Rotating stream: for general cleaning and gum massage

(jet switch in lower position): The rotation of the water stream and its micro-bubbles is designed for easy penetration below the gumline.

Mono stream: straight water stream for site-specific cleaning (jet switch in upper position).

Max. operating time: 15 minutes

Cooling off time: 2 hours

To ensure the jet functions, a small sieve is incorporated in the lower end of the shaft. Should you notice a reduced water pressure, check the sieve for any deposits and remove them, e.g. by carefully tapping the shaft on a flat surface.


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Contents Powered by Zelená linka HelplineInformációs vonal Danıµma HattıClick Description Connecting and charging Specifications Minute Timer Professional Timer Brushing technique Pressure SensorII ProBright brushhead FlexiSoft brushheadIII Interspace brushhead IV Tongue FreshenerEnvironmental notice Battery removal at the end of the products useful lifeUsing your Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet irrigator Cleaning GuaranteeFor UK only Uwaga Opis urzàdzeniaPod∏àczenie i ∏adowanie Dane techniczneMinutowy sygnalizator Technika czyszczeniaIV Koƒcówka czyszczàca do j´zyka Koƒcówka FlexiSoftPo u˝yciu Ochrona Êrodowiska naturalnegoWyjmowanie akumulatora na zakoƒczenie ˝ywotnoÊci produktu Obs∏uga irygatora Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet Czyszczenie Warunki gwarancji Popis Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet CenterDÛleÏité Pfiipojení a nabíjení Technické údajeSenzor tlaku Âistící technikyProfesionální ãasovaã Minutov˘ ãasovaãII Kartáãková hlava ProBright Kartáãková hlava FlexiSoftIII Kartáãková hlava pro mezizubní prostory IV OsvûÏovaã jazykuPoznámka k Ïivotnímu prostfiedí Po pouÏitíPage Âi‰tûní Záruka DôleÏité Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet Center jePripojenie a nabíjanie Technika ãistenia Profesionálny ãasovaãMinútov˘ ãasovaã II Kefková hlava ProBright Kefková hlava FlexiSoftVybratie akumulátora po uplynutí ãasu Ïivotnosti zariadenia Poznámka k Ïivotnému prostrediuPage Âistenie Záruka Leírás Az Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet CenterFontos Csatlakozás és töltés FelhívásAz elektromos fogkefe szakszerı használata IdŒmérŒKétperces idŒmérŒ II ProBright kefefej FlexiSoft kefefejIII Interspace kefefej IV Tongue FreshenerAz akkumulátor eltávolítása Környezetvédelmi figyelmeztetésAz Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet szájzuhany használata Garancia TistzításOpis Komplet Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJetVaÏno Kori‰tenje Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX ãetkice za zube SpecifikacijeSpajanje i punjenje Dvominutni timer Profesionalni timerRad s ãetkicom Kontrola pritiskaGlava ãetkice za zube FlexiSoft II Glava ãetkice za zube ProBrightIII Glava ãetkice za zube Interspace Nakon upotrebe Napomena o brizi za okoli‰Uklanjanje baterija kada se vi‰e ne mogu puniti Page Nakon upotrebe Âi‰çenjeJamstveni list Zobna ‰ãetka Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX je Center za ustno nego Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLXZobna prha Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet PomembnoPrikljuãitev in polnjenje Minutni timer Tehnika ‰ãetkanjaSenzor pritiska II Glava ‰ãetke ProBright Glava ‰ãetke FlexiSoftIII Glava ‰ãetke Interspace IV Nastavek za osveÏitev jezikaVarovanje okolja Po uporabiUporaba zobne prhe Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet Garancija Âi‰ãenjeOral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX üstün performans Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX OxyJet Center diµOral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet aπ∂z duµu, hava ÖnemliElektriπe baπlama ve µarj etme ÖzellikleriBask∂ Kontrol Sistemi ∂rçalama tekniiProfesyonel Zamanlay∂c∂ Dakikal∂k zamanlay∂c∂II ProBright f∂rça baµ∂ FlexiSoft f∂rça baµ∂III Interspace yedek f∂rça baµl∂π∂ IV Dil TemizleyiciNoktalarına atın Önemli çevre notuOral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet aπ∂z duµunun kullan∂m∂ Temizleme Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page Page ∆Ô Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX OxyJet Center ¶ÂÚÈÁÚ·õ‹∏ Ô‰ÔÓÙfißÔ˘ÚÙÛ· Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX ·Ù·ÈÔÓÈÛÙ‹Ú·˜ Oral-BProfessionalCareì¶ÚԉȷÁÚ·õ¤˜ ÃÚ‹ÛË Ù˘ Ô‰ÔÓÙfißÔ˘ÚÙÛ·˜ Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX‡Ó‰ÂÛË Î·È õfiÚÙÈÛË ∆Ô Û‡ÛÙËÌ· Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 DLX∆¯ÓÈ΋ ßÔ˘ÚÙÛ›ÛÌ·ÙÔ˜ ∞ÈÛıËÙ‹Ú·˜ ›ÂÛ˘∂·ÁÁÂÏÌ·ÙÈÎfi˜ ¯ÚÔÓÔÌÂÙÚËÙ‹˜ II Âõ·Ï‹ ProBrightì Âõ·Ï‹ FlexiSoftIII ªÂÛÔ‰fiÓÙÈÔ ßÔ˘ÚÙÛ¿ÎÈ IV ∂Í¿ÚÙËÌ· ηı·ÚÈÛÌÔ‡ ÁÏÒÛÛ·˜ËÌ›ˆÛË Û¯ÂÙÈο Ì ÙÔ ÂÚÈß¿ÏÏÔÓ ªÂÙ¿ ÙË ¯Ú‹ÛËÃÚ‹ÛË ÙÔ˘ ηٷÈÔÓÈÛÙ‹Ú· Oral-BProfessionalCareì 8500 OxyJet ·ı·ÚÈÛÌfi˜ ∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË ÁÛ·ÌÓÈ ˆÂÌÚ Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX ÉÔËÒ‡ÌËÂÈÓ‰ÒÓ‰ËÌÂÌËÂ Ë Á‡fl‰Í‡ ËÔˆËÙË͇ˆËfl‡Ú˜ËÍ ‰‡‚ÎÂÌËfl ÍÂıÌË͇ ˜ËÒÚÍËÓÙÂÒÒËÓ̇θÌ˚È Ú‡ÈÏÂ ‚ÛıÏËÌÛÚÌ˚È Ú‡ÈÏÂII ç‡Ò‡‰Í‡ ProBright ‡Ò‡‰Í‡ FlexiSoftIV ç‡Ò‡‰Í‡ ‰Îfl ˜ËÒÚÍË flÁ˚͇ ‡˘ËÚ‡ ÓÍÛʇ˛˘ÂÈ Ò‰˚‰‡ÎÂÌË ·‡Ú‡ÂÈÍË ‚ ÍÓ̈ Êëáìë ÔÓ‰ÛÍÚ‡ Ôóîóêâìëë ÓËÒÚ͇ Page Page ÁÛ·ÌÓª ˘¥ÚÍË Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 DLX π ÉÔËÒË„‡ÚÓ Oral-BProfessionalCare 8500 OxyJet ‚‡„‡‚¥ÏÍÌÂÌÌfl ‚ ÂÎÂÍÚÓÏÂÂÊÛ Ú‡ Á‡fl‰Ê‡ÌÌfl ‡‡ÍÚÂËÒÚËÍËÜÍ ˜ËÒÚËÚË ÁÛ·Ë ÓÙÂÒ¥ÈÌËÈ Ú‡ÈÏÂ‚Óı‚ËÎËÌÌËÈ Ú‡ÈÏÂ III ô¥Ú͇-̇҇‰Í‡ Interspace II ô¥Ú͇-̇҇‰Í‡ ProBrightIV ç‡Ò‡‰Í‡ Tongue Freshener ‡ıËÒÚ ÓÚÓ˜Û˛˜Ó„Ó ÒÂ‰ӂˢ‡Çˉ‡ÎÂÌÌfl ‡ÍÛÏÛÎflÚÓ¥‚ Á ÌÂÔˉ‡ÚÌÓ„Ó ‚ËÓ·Û Page ‡„‡Î¸Ì¥ ÛÏÓ‚Ë Á·Â¥„‡ÌÌfl ÓˢÂÌÌfl‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ-χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË ‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË ÇraunPage ∂ÁÁ‡ËÛË Î·È ∂ÚÁ·ÛÙ‹ÚÈÔ ÂÈÛ΢ÒÓ 100 101 102