Note: Using the wrong network parameters may result in the phone failing to con- nect to the service provider and may also have an impact on network performance. Please contact the network administrator.
Account Settings
The phone will automatically register to the service provider’s server using the account data provided by automatic or manual provisioning.
While using the web interface, choose ACCOUNT [ ACCOUNT SETTINGS. Select Account to Account 1. Enter the following parameters:
Field | Description |
Account Active | This will enable or disable the account. |
Label | The name that shows on the screen. |
Display Name | What the phone will display on the other phone’s Caller ID. | |
| This may be overridden by data at the service provider. |
Register Name | Register name, provided by the service provider. |
User Name | User name, provided by the service provider. |
User Password | User password provided by the service provider. |
SIP Server | SIP server address provided by the service provider. |
SIP Server Port | SIP server port provided by the service provider. The |
| default is 5060. | 8 |