AT&T IP Flexible Reach Service
Nortel BCM50 Release 3.0 SIP Configuration Guide
Company location
Administrator name and phone number
IP PBX name and software version
Customer Configuration Guide – Issue number and date
1.3Trouble Reporting
Nortel and AT&T will make every effort to quickly resolve reported troubles. The time required for trouble shooting can be reduced if the customer has the necessary detailed information available when reporting a problem. Prior to reporting a problem please provide a Wireshark or TCPDUMP trace of the failed call.
1.4 Document Feedback
IP PBX administrators who would like to provide feedback on the contents of this document should send it to Brian Stegemoller (brian.stegemoller@nortel.com) with a copy to Al Chee (alchee@nortel.com) and Steven Chen (stevenchen@nortel.com).
1.5 Document Change History
Issue 0.0
Issue 0.1
Issue 0.2
Issue 0.3
Issue 0.4
Issue 0.5
October 12, 2007; draft November 12, 2007; draft
Edited Section 3: removed softphone support, added fax support, added new screenshot for software version, added
November 20, 2007;
Edited screenshots in Section 3 w/ updated patch list November 27, 2007;
Edited fax configuration procedures (ATA device settings)
November 29, 2007;
Added Special Notes section (received from Jim Amster) December 5, 2007;
Added “SIP” after “BCM50 Release 3.0”, added contact info in Section 1, explanation for software release in 4.1
© 2007 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the AT&T logo and all other AT&T marks contained herein are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property and/or AT&T affiliated companies. All other marks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.
Issue 0.7 | Page 5 of 37 |