Emerson iCOM user manual Control Types, Reheat During Dehumidification

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Reheat During Dehumidification

Hot gas reheat or hot water reheat will start as described in 3.5 - Temperature Control—Reheat, when the temperature decreases during the dehumidification process.

The parameter Electric Reheat Operation defines how the heaters react in case the temperature decreases during the dehumidification process. This parameter does not impact SCR reheat opera- tion. The Electric Reheat Operation parameter is in the Advanced menu under Factory Settings and should not be adjusted without factory approval.

No—No electric reheat allowed during dehumidification process.

Delayed—This setting applies only to two-compressor units with BOTH compressors selected for dehumidification. The electric reheats are prevented from turning on until Low Limit 1 is reached. At this condition, one stage of dehumidification is disabled and the reheats are activated. At Low Limit 2, both stages of dehumidification are disabled. When Delayed is selected on units with a single compressor selected for dehumidification (Dehumidification With Comp Setting: 1, 2, and 1 or 2), the reheats will operate in the same manner as they do for Staged as described below. Delayed is the default setting for Liebert DS units.

Staged—This setting applies to one or two compressor units. Electric heaters will stage as described in 3.5.1 - Three-Stage Electric, Hot Gas and Hot Water Reheat. Staged is the default setting for Challenger 3000 units. On two compressor units with staged reheat selected and Dehumidification With Comp set to BOTH, the control allows for operating two compressors and reheats simulta- neously. It is very important that electrical service to the unit be sized and wired for this option if selected.


If the electrical service to the unit is not properly sized, it could trip the building circuit breakers (or fuses) or, in extreme cases, damage the building wiring. This Warning applies only when the Dehumidification With Comp is set to BOTH and the Electric Reheat Operation is set to Staged. Consult factory before making any changes to the default settings.

3.7Control Types

3.7.1Temperature and Humidity Control Types

The Liebert iCOM control has four Temperature and Humidity Control Types: Proportional, PI and Intelligent. Each control type affects the timing and intensity of the cooling/heating and humidify- ing/dehumidifying operations. The Control Type parameter is in the Service menu under Setpoints.

Proportional – If Proportional Control is selected, the percent cooling/heating requirement is deter- mined by the difference between the return air temperature sensor reading and the temperature set- point. As the return air temperature rises above the temperature setpoint, the percent cooling required increases proportionally (from 0 to 100%) over half the programmable temperature propor- tional band (See 3.3.1 - Temperature Proportional Band). The percent heating requirement (0 to - 100%) is determined the same way when the return air temperature falls below the setpoint. The humidifying/dehumidifying operations are controlled in the same manner as the cooling/heating oper- ations; however, the humidity sensors, setpoints and proportional bands are utilized. The Propor- tional control type is commonly selected on compressorized units.

PI – If PI Control is selected, the percent cooling/heating requirement is calculated by adding together two individual terms – proportional and integral. The proportional term is calculated in a manner similar to the previously described Proportional control. The integral term (sometimes called “reset action”) is calculated by measuring how much and for how long the return air tempera- ture/humidity has been above or below the setpoint. If the actual return air temperature/humidity is above the setpoint, the percent requirement is slowly but continuously increased until the total is suf- ficient to bring the return room air back to the setpoint. This control type is commonly selected on free-cooling and dual-cool units.


Image 36 Contents
Liebert iCOM Page Table of Contents Installing a Liebert Icom UNIT-TO-UNITNETWORK TeamworkMounting a Large Display on a Wall Figures Tables Features Large and Small DisplaysESC Keyboard icons and functions Icon Key Name FunctionStatus menu, large display, graphical view Accessing Submenus Accessing Submenus on Small DisplaysAccessing Submenus on Large Displays Navigating Through the Liebert iCOM MenusEntering a Password Menu tree-Small display, stand-alone or networkedService Menu Unit Status Menu System View Status Menu Unit 1 View User MenuAdvanced Menu Unit Service Menu Unit # Viewing Multiple Units with a Networked Large DisplayAdvanced Menu Unit # SET User menu icons Service menu icons Single Unit Functions Unit/Fan Control Start StopLoss of Power Alarm Fan Alarm / Fan Protection SettingsVSD Setpoint VSD Fan Speed Setting AutorestartHigh Pressure Alarm Pump DownDigital Scroll High Temperature Compressor Timing-Units With Two CompressorsCompressor Sequencing Service Offset-Changing System Pressure Settings Motorized Ball Valve in Digital Scroll UnitsMBV Operation After Compressor is Turned Off Temperature Proportional Band Temperature proportional bandCompressor Control Compressor Proportional BandsOne Single-Step Compressor Without Unloaders-One-Step Two Single-Step Compressors Without Unloaders-Two-StepTwo Compressors With Unloaders-Four-Step Two compressors with unloaders four-stepDigital Scroll Compressors Digital scroll capacity modulation, 10-100% variableTemperature Control-Second Cooling Source Differential Temperatures / Controls Comparator CircuitDelta T Temperature Difference Between Room and Glycol Chilled Water ControlSecond cooling source and compressorized cooling Temperature Control-Reheat Reheat configuration typesGlycool Cooling-Free-Cooling Dual Cooling SourceOff ½ Proportional Band Decreasing Temperature Heat On ½ Dead Band 100%Tight Mode SCR ReheatStandard Mode Humidity Control Humidification Dehumidification Humidification Humidification Infrared Humidifier Parameters for infrared humidifier controlExternal Humidifier Control-Optional Dehumidification With Comp settings DehumidificationDehumidification Low Limit Dehumidification Compressor QuantityTemperature and Humidity Control Types Control TypesReheat During Dehumidification Humidity Sensor Reading Control Types High and Low, Temperature and Humidity Events Supply Limit-OptionalUser Inputs / Customer Inputs Customer inputsTime Delay Enable or DisableEvent Types and Properties Event TypesMain FAN Overload Possible Event Notifications Event notifications-large or small displayNext Maintenance Calculation Calculation of Next Maintenance and DiagnosticsCalculating Unit Wellness Parameters for Next Maintenance Calculation General Maintenance SettingsFans / Heaters / Humidifier Settings and Diagnostics Compressor 1 / 2 Settings and DiagnosticsTeamwork Mode Teamwork ModesApplication of Teamwork Modes No TeamworkTeamwork Mode 1 with two cooling units Standby Rotation Typical Standby Lead/Lag Function Standby and CascadePlacement of Cooling Units U2U Hardware Cables and Network SwitchMinimum Network Switch Requirements Wiring for Unit-to-Unit Communications-U2U Sample Liebert iCOM network configurationsLiebert iCOM U2U Ethernet Network Wiring a Liebert iCOM U2U Network Small Displays Large DisplaysWall-Mount Large Display Combining Large and Small Displays on a U2U NetworkWiring a small display for stand-alone operation Wiring a large display for stand-alone operation Ports available for connecting Liebert iCOM control devices Liebert vNSA298 84mm 305mm 14.25 362mm DPN001136 Rev Location Considerations Necessary Mounting ItemsMounting Instructions Liebert iCOM display dimensions Spare Part List-Large Display Only Setpoints parametersSpare part list parameters-large display only Event log parametersSet alarms parameters Sensor dataActive Alarms Active alarms parametersDisplay setup parameters Timer parameters-Sleep Mode Total run hours parametersService contacts parameters Service Menu Parameters Unit Diary-Large Display Only Unit diary parametersStandby settings / lead-lag parameters Maintenance / wellness settings parametersWellness COMP2 Wellness HEAT2 Diagnostics / service mode parameters ALM REL 7of Delay Enable Disab Enable Disab Comp 1 Overload Unit X Disconnected WRN Loss of Power LOP MSG, WRN, ALM Call Service MSG, WRN, ALM High Temperature Sensor calibration / setup parameters System / network setup parameters-large display only Network setup parameters GBPStatic RAM Not Available, Invalid, OK Options setup parameters HUM SteamService contact info parameters Service Menu Parameters Service Menu Parameters Page Ne t ItiTi n That