Section 3
This chapter provides an overview of the hardware tuning for this Mag One™ Series radio. There is no software tuning required.
In order to perform the manual tuning procedures, the radio needs to be disassembled to the PC Board.
Following are the parameters that can be tuned:-
1.Transmitter Tuning
a.High Power Tuning
b.Low Power Tuning
c.Frequency Tuning
d.Modulation Balancing
e.Maximum Modulation
f.Subtone Modulation
2.Receiver Tuning
a.Wide Band Sinad Tuning
b.Narrow Band Sinad Tuning
3.PLL Synthesizer Tuning
a.Rx PLL Frequency Tuning
b.Tx PLL Frequency Tuning
For a list of Service Aids required, refer to Table