23.MAIN VFO-A Tuning Knob

This large knob adjusts the operating frequency of Main VFO-A (or a recalled memory). Default tuning increments are 10 Hz (100 Hz in AM and FM modes). When the [FAST] button has been pressed, the incre- ments are 10x these sizes. See the table on page 38 for a listing of all available steps.

24. Shuttle Jog and VRF & IDBT Buttons

The Shuttle Jog ring allows fine or rapid frequency excursions with just a slight turn of your hand. Rotating the ring slightly either to the left or the right tunes down- ward or upward a few steps. The tuning rate increases the farther the ring is rotated.

Pressing the [VRF] button on the left side of the Shuttle Jog activates the VRF (Variable RF Front-end Filter), which adds a narrow input preselector filter into the RF receiver circuit on the 160-20 meter Amateur bands. Its passband can be tuned by rotating the VRF/ MEM CH knob, located on the upper right corner of the front panel, for maximum sensitivity and out-of-band interference rejection.

Pressing the [IDBT] button on the right side of the Shuttle Jog activates the IDBT (Interlocked Digital Bandwidth Tracking) System, which matches the EDSP (Bandwidth) filter characteristics to the settings of the SHIFT and WIDTH knobs. Thus, it is not necessary to re-adjust the EDSP settings if you change the (IF) WIDTH and/or SHIFT settings; the EDSP settings will automatically follow those of the higher-frequency IF passband.

25.LOCK Button

This button toggles locking of the main tuning knob to prevent accidental frequency changes. “LOCK” is displayed in a red box below and to the left of the main frequency display field when this command is active (the tuning knob can still be turned, but it does noth- ing). Press [LOCK] again to enable the tuning knob.

26.AF REV Button

Pressing this reverses the main/sub receiver audio adjusted using the AF GAIN knob and SUB AF knob. When activated, the LED inside this button glows red.

27. DOWN(q) & UP(p) Buttons

Pressing either of these buttons momentarily steps the operating frequency down or up 100 kHz, respec- tively. Pressing and holding the [FAST] button while pressing one of these buttons steps the frequency down or up 1 MHz. Continue holding either button for repeated stepping.


28. MAIN VFO-A [RX & TX Switch-LED]

These combination lamp-switches select and indi- cate the transmit/receive status of the main tuning knob and display. When the green “RX” lamp is lit, the re- ceiving frequency is under control of the main knob and display (either VFO-A or a recalled memory chan- nel). When the red “TX” lamp is lit, the transmitting frequency is under control of the main knob and dis- play. Thus, for “normal” (non-split) operation, both the red and green lamps associated with the main tuning knob will be illuminated.

29. VFO/MEM Button

This button toggles main receiver operation between the memory channel and the main VFO-A. Either “VFO,” “MEM,” or “M TUNE” will be displayed to the left of the main frequency display field to indicate the current selection. If a displayed memory has been re- tuned, pressing this button returns the display to the original memory contents, and pressing it again returns operation to the Main VFO.

30.[M uA] Button

Pressing this button momentarily displays the con- tents of the currently-selected memory channel for three seconds. Holding this button for ½ second copies the data from the currently selected memory to the Main VFO-A, as two beeps sound. Previous data in the Main VFO will be overwritten.

31.QMB Buttons

[RCL] (Recall) - Recalls one of up to five Quick Memory Bank memories for op- eration.

[STO] (Store) - Pressing this copies operating pa- rameters into consecutive QMB Memories.

32.[DUAL] Button

This button activates dual-channel reception with the main and sub receivers. When this function is ac- tive, “DUAL” will be displayed in a box at the left edge of the display.

MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual

page 25

Page 27
Image 27
Vertex Standard FT-1000MP Main VFO-A Tuning Knob, Shuttle Jog and VRF & Idbt Buttons, AF REV Button, DOWNq & UPp Buttons