Installation Guide
When an incoming call is received the Ringing LED (on both the Tel/Codec Tab and the Activities Tab) will blink until the number of rings has been achieved, then extinguish to indicate that the Telephone Interface has connected.
4.) Click “Enable Auto Disconnect” to configure the DMTH4 so that the telephone interface automati- cally disconnects when it senses that the call has be terminated by the calling party.
Connecting to the CODEC Interface using the Activity Tab
It is assumed that the DMTH4 CODEC input and output signals on the rear panel have been connected to the video codec and that gain for each has been adjusted as needed.
1.) Click the “Connect” button to enable the connec- tion to the codec interface. The LED will light and the “Connect” button will change to “Disconnect.”
2.) To terminate the connection, click the “Disconnect” button.
Connect LED
Connect | Tel/Codec Tab |
Codec Interface Tab
Rio Rancho, NM | 21 |